Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I saw like 5 separate threads on this over there earlier this morning and had to laugh.

Are you meme stonking?
  • Yes, just looking for a quick profit
  • Yes, 10x or bust
  • No, having FOMO
  • No, not having FOMO

0 voters

I just bought $200 of AMC for fun. Not sure how that figures in your poll.

reddit isn’t pushing dillards, that’s speculative someone else might try it I guess.

they’re pushing nokia, amc, BB, GME to at least 1k, I’m sure there’s others but they’re buried

i guess i’m kinda interested in the long term effect. will it eliminate the practice of shorting because the risk is too big

Maybe this results in no stocks being heavily shorted in the future and the entire market moons some more. STONK STONK

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It doesn’t even have to be Wsb buying, but more likely shorts fleeing, saying fuck I don’t want that to happen to me.

Yeah wtf I got ponied twice while speculating the same thing. I wonder if this reduces downward volatility by scaring away predatory short action.

Anyway it’s pretty awesome to see a transfer of wealth on this scale. Lots of college kids paying off their loans and donating 10k+ to charity on WSB.

Someone share your wisdom on not getting FOMO because it’s a serious leak for me.

A modern day Robin Hood of sorts.


“Yes, just looking for a quick profit” is my response and I am fully aware that timing the market is hard, and timing it twice (buy/sell) is even harder.

Usually what happens is people lay off the risky behavior for a while, then when the attention dies down they slowly start turning the risk dial back up.

In the long run humans investing in markets will always cycle increased risk → crash → apologetic derisking → increased risk ad infinitum. Its baked into human psychology.

It seems to me that the only option is for the fed to bail out these hedge funds and regulate the number of shorts available in the future. Or the Fed/SEC will put out a statement saying that shorting stonks is illegal and that stonks may now only go up.

Your normal investment strategy is designed to keep you from making mistakes, for example the kind of mistakes that people will make trying to get in and out of this market by timing individual stocks. Stick to the plan.

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I wouldn’t call my lack of FOMO wisdom, because who knows whether or not you’ll make or lose money by investing now. But I always figure by the time I hear about something it has to be on its last legs.

BB $20

I edited the poll and lost the votes! Why?!

My answer is “no, having especially large FOMO because I did get in for a quick profit and left too soon”

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My problem is that I always read about it before it blows up ie… btc/gme and decide “nah I’m good”. I think I’m just going to dedicate like 10% of my portfolio to “fuck it” investments and go from there.

10% seems to be what I might max out at as for a percentage of portfolio. Then I’d probably start selling pieces to diversify. I didn’t make $22M on GME though, so YMMV with regard to risk tolerance.

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