Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I’ve seen enough. It’s full meme stonking for me from here out. This will fill the $1k HU flippaments void in my soul from years past.


Woof. Just spoke to my ex-housemate as I know he used to stonk around a bit. Lost his job as a roadie because of covid and has made 3x his salary stonking this year. Zero due diligence, just buys stocks already up at least 200% and rides them another 200% then sells. Insanity. Describes himself as ‘trader’ lol


Best we can hope is the hedge funds and their asshole clients getting fucked shorting also end up being bagholders.

is it still over 100% shorted?

Going forward, what % of your net worth are you going to use to buy whatever stonks WSB says to buy?
  • 0% (you hate money)
  • 1% - 3%
  • 3% - 5%
  • 5% - 10%
  • 10%+ max tendies

0 voters



I’m fully committed to my investment strategy. It’s the same reason that I wasn’t bothered by the downswing in the spring even though I was 100% stocks. I didn’t miss out or make a poor decision because I didn’t make any decision. So now there’s no thought of oh man I should have put X dollars there, I would be a millionaire. I don’t have any spare money to do anything like that, it all goes into my current investment framework.


It’s a good feature, otherwise you could change the choices to something ridiculous after people have already voted.

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What this man just said.

It might be worth creating an Investment Policy Statement for yourself. It’s basically just an intentionally thought out policy for how you invest. Having something which codifies your considered decisions can at least provide a better mental perspective than FOMO.


Just ignore the news unless you’re going to be managing your account every day. FOMOing without a plan is a disaster. If you want to stonk around with a few bucks just do that.

I stuck $500 in NIO when it was around $8 and that worked out, but I accepted that I can expect to lose at least half of it when I made the initial investment

What is the best site/app to use to fuck around and find out on these WSB stonks? Should i just use Robinhood so that I can post my meme plots easier?

I didn’t flinch in March. I think I’d have a much harder time mentally dealing with a lost decade than a sudden 40% drop.

Signing up now. This was an easy pick.


Oh no…

tech? A lot of dotcom companies around then had some absurd valuations, and that was right around the peak of the bubble.

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If you’re really just fucking around RH is probably OK, but don’t think that “no commissions” means you’re saving money vs others.

I have TD Ameritrade for my fuck around $ with ThinkOrSwim and it’s pretty cool. Had to move there because Vanguard (rightly) has expensive options contracts.

Yeah, tech of some sort, but again Im not sure what. We lived in San Jose, that place exploded with money in the late 90s

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Alright, now i just need to figure out how to make my WSB index fund. Considering using this


Bought some AMC, EXPR, and NOK this morning to mess around with. STONKS!