Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

lol $222


Would have been life changing money if I wasn’t a God damn coward.

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thank you

Shorts just getting vaporized. Will they force liquidate them after hours? That could get insane, as if it already isn’t

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What happens at the bell tomorrow? Surely there will be profit taking? Either way I’m holding my 7 shares to 2k :rocket::rocket:

This is amazing to watch even from the sidelines with no position. I imagine it must be insane stress holding at these valuations.

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That’s what’s happening now, right?

Elon’s tweet literally pumped it another 50% and counting lol

I don’t know. The size of the short positions and after hours liquidity and everybody hodling, I kind of doubt it.

Update from deepfuckingvalue on wsb

+another $4 million on those shares in afterhours lmao

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gotta change his name because holding at these numbers has nothing to do with value, it’s just betting on meme’s/short squeezing

Only 24 hours later and it’s already looking like this take is going to age VERY poorly. At this point, $1,000/share seems inevitable. Confirmed I know absolutely nothing about STONKS

Its not just GME, everything that was heavily short is squeezing

AMC was up .54, up another .5 to 5.45 AH

BBBY was up $6, up another $6 AH


Follow up. I added a 100 more shares right at the beginning of afterhours. STONK!

I need to learn about the options bets before I can feel comfortable doing that, but basic buy-sell is easy enough on meme stonks.

Is GME worth more than Honda yet?


These takes aged well.

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