Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

He could just tweet any stock and it would go up within seconds, right?

Like if he just tweeted (picks stock at random) “Old Dominion Freight Line!”, the stock would soar.

Earlier tweet suggests that some hedge funds are, even if others are losing big.

22 million now for GME dude on reddit

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Was it here that people were asking what it felt like during the late 1990s Nasdaq bubble?

The answer is - this. This is exactly what it felt like: watching random stocks endlessly go up for no discernible reason, feeling great envy towards the people getting rich, temptation to join in despite being certain it’s a bad decision, and maintaining a steadfast conviction that ACTUALLY you are the smart one abstaining while other people get rich.


Fun story. One week ago today I bought 500 shares of gme at $40 to tail wsb. Immediately after doing so I was like, wtf am I doing I know how stupid this is and immediately sold it.


GME will easily reach 10k/share by end of week

can someone explain to me like i’m a moron what is going on and why every single person on my feed is talking about gamestop?

Desired effect of stimulus

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i’m kinda serious. from what i gather people on tiktok were recommending buying gamestock shares and then every millennial with a robinhood started buying? that’s the whole thing or is there something more interesting?

It has a huge short interest, over 100 percent. And rockets.

For teh memes

Gamestop was a zombie company marching to it’s death. A bunch of hedge funds were mega short it, under the assumption it was going bankrupt. A bunch of internet trolls on reddit organized and started buying it. It gained momentum on reddit creating a big short squeeze because shorts are being forced to buy to cover and no one is selling. Now it’s gone mainstream, and everyone and their brother has heard about gamestop and is piling on, including some other hedge funds that see blood in the water from the funds that are stuck short. And thus we have the mother of all short squeezes.


GME $200

At this point, there is a decent chance Musk is going to announce TSLA is acquiring GME for $10 billion just for the lolz.

edit: looks like $10 billion is below its current market cap, amazing.

GME $210

217 :slight_smile:

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220 now

I’m trying really hard to remember Munger’s saying:

“Envy is a really stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun. Why would you want to get on that trolley?”

Ok but is it going to hit 350