Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Two guys I trust to play by the rules, Ken Griffin and Steve Cohen.

Hoo boy.

I’m sure they cheat, but this type of blatant front running is pretty easy to detect and would be very stupid to do.


up a paltry 15% since this post

usually you sell when it hits the news, but some of these have inexplicably held on since.

we do not live in normal times

still seeing people throw their live savings and everyone else they can get in on it on WSB, don’t know how long that can hold but these people are weird as **** and now we got a billionaire fighting billionaire on this, if they both unload the clip, the rocket is gonna land in the andromeda galaxy not the moon.

My friend wants me to invest in big companies like Apple and GE wtf? I’m trying to get rich bro


Tech company hubris can look an awful lot like stupidity.

only up 40% today. Yawn


efficient stock market if you invested at the beginning of the year all your money in dogecoin, nokia, blackberry, and gamestop some of you would retire now



Eating tendies on the moon :rocket: now they’re hoping daddy Elon gets involved, would be absolutely hilarious

Isn’t there some option where you can sell your company’s stock after holding it for a few years?

57k volume on the GME weekly 200 call

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Of course. Once it is granted, you can do whatever you want with the stock*. Worth noting that you do have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciation of said stock on vesting date to the selling date.

*If you’re still with the company, you can only sell during certain trade windows per SEC regulations

but nba topshot is dumb…


Companies also encourage this by making company stock the only one you can buy individually in your 401k. I want to say when I worked for Quest Diagnostics there was some kind of discount “stock purchase program”. Is that a thing that exists?

I think there’s an argument to be made when you’re on the inside and can tell the overall vibe of whether you’re working for a crooked company or not. Like Buffet talking to the secretary. I don’t see any harm in holding like 10% of your portfolio in company stonk.

I held a little Quest stock, just like I do now, because it seemed like a well-run company and was the best performing stock in 2001 I think when the market was tanking. Maybe 2000. So I thought of it as a bit of a hedge to another crash (this was 2001-2005).

I owned some DTV stock because I liked them as a company as well. I did not own any AT&T stock because fuck them.

GME 122

Probably 125 by the time anyone reads this

I was holding my vested rsus because I was gambling that my company’s stock would go up, just like everyone who buys individual stocks do as well, so not really seeing the problem, and yeah I am very, very lazy. I sold it now though and I guess will dump into VTSAX or the mortgage.

Is gme issuing new shares to raise money yet? It seems like the most obvious move ever.

tesla at least has the potential of dominating the future electric car market is the difference

even if gamestop moved to digital codes for games that could get pulled by the console makers at any time

but the latter has morphed into a war between the internet and hedgefunds