Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

The daily GME wsb thread (LOL THAT THIS IS EVEN A THING BTW) is 100% people saying “buy the dip” despite it dropping 40% in the last 15 minutes after being up 120% in a day

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Down 55 in 20 minutes…

This is sustainable

Oh crap the sky is falling.

Down to 89 and dropping like a gangster in cement shoes

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I really hope the $11M dollar guy got out.

I like this WSB comment:

Fuck the institutions, it’s time for the age of autism to fall upon the market


margin calls happening? What the fuck

a lot of things just sold off 10-15% and halted in the last 5 minutes

I’ve allocated 7k in my SEP-IRA just for following WSB trends for a month to what happens. More of an experiment than anything. Not touching GME, though. Focusing on things that haven’t quite memed so hard yet.

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You have a list so I can meme along with you?

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Going back up…

I’ve also been following them. The meme stocks that have been talked about for a while (which are all blowing up right now) are mainly GME, BB, and PLTR. I actually played BB for a bit but got out way too early. AMC was also mentioned but not nearly as often.

It’s important to note that there were other hot stocks that haven’t panned out (like Steel stocks–WSB was convinced steel prices were going to rise and that that somehow wasn’t incorporated into prices, so a bunch of people yolo’d into stuff like MT).

The next up-and-coming meme stock seems to be NOK (which I also decided to fuck around with this morning to gamble on a WSB pump).

If you actually want to gamble along with them you can go to the daily discussion thread and look at “best daily” or “best weekly” DD at the top. It’s the most-upvoted Due Diligence (lol) posts, which should give you a sense for which tickers are starting to show up more often. Obviously anything GME or BB is getting slammed with upvotes right now, so I think it’s better to check in every day and look for the next tier of tickers that are showing up more often.

I’d also like to caution you that their DD can be things like “stock closed at $4.20 on Friday ergo it is gonna MOON.” I’d say DYOR but lol at that.

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I’m not sure I recommend this at all. I got in on BB, AMC, and NOK a little before current prices but I’m not certain at all that they’ll keep ripping. I’ve stayed away from PLTR because I hate Peter Thiel. BB seems most likely to be where the GME winners rotate their earnings next, but these guys are super volatile and insanely risk-resilient.

I’m watching the daily threads and might join the discord. Will update with new ideas.

Edit: My stock in ponies has crashed.

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The difference between today’s intraday high and low is bigger than the difference between the 52 week high/low as of Friday.

Here’s the Bloomberg write up

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How many short sellers got completely and 100% wrecked by that spike up to 160 today? How quickly will a brokerage liquidate your account if your short puts you in the red?

i think thats what caused the massive drop on a lot of things 10:45-11, the spike up on GME was at 10:45 or so

Like SPCE went from 38.8 at 10:45 to 32.37 at 11:09 (and halted)
AAPL 144.3 at 10:46 to 136.5 at 11:08


So all their bullish positions probably got nuked on the GME spike? Not sure how exactly that works.

Someone in my World of Warcraft guild hit on GME and was giving stock tips and investing help over the weekend, and now I know of at least one or two others who are buying in at $90+. This is gonna be devastating when it does dump back down. This pump reminds me of a DOGECOIN pump and dump

how much money do these ****ers have left good god

I took the plunge and took a look at the WSB Discord. It is exactly what you would expect, shitposting and attempted pumping. Don’t bother.

of ffs i had 40x NOK $7 Jan 2022 calls I picked up in December around .13 each cause they were so cheap, sold at .18 cause NOK never moves, now .9