AMC +30%. Dragging Cinemark up with for some reason.
My cruise lines are getting crushed though. Maybe they’ll be next for the squeezers - except millennial incels don’t like to go on cruises so maybe not.
AMC +30%. Dragging Cinemark up with for some reason.
My cruise lines are getting crushed though. Maybe they’ll be next for the squeezers - except millennial incels don’t like to go on cruises so maybe not.
AMC option premium is outrageous, suzzer if you can do so you might want to sell some covered calls against your shares, i just sold a march 19 $10 call for $150 in premium
lmao GME gonna finish red
just dropped $30
Trading halted at $69 and +6.9%, definitely a sign it’s gonna rise back up
WSB gonna need to sticky a link to the suicide hotline soon, this is brutal
imagine buying GAMESTOP stock at 160
I wonder what the overlap is between the Venn Diagram of MAGA people who think Trump is still going to be President (or still is President right now) and the WSB people who think GME is going to $1,000+ share
What the next few months will look like after this GME success:
Lol this only works if you never have more than $300 to your name
I love cruises
Some people are saying that some people are saying that cruise ships are full of hot chicks that will sleep with you even if you live in your moms basement and post on reddit all day. Let the wsb incels know, they can incite a rally of cruise ship stocks
Nah he had 50k shares and april $12 calls and was on a different broker and was up huge, that guy looks like he bought $7 million at the top?
Quick question unrelated to today’s insanity:
Has anyone ever over-funded a Roth IRA and had to un-fund it? I haven’t run through all my taxes for last year and expectations for this year but I think it’s pretty likely that I’ve funded more than I’m eligible to.
When I go through the withdrawal process I get to this window, but I assume I’m safe to not withhold and not send a withholding notice since this is a reversal of funding rather than a withdrawal. I guess I can consult a tax man but would rather trust the internet on this one.
Sounds complicated. I think I’ll just stick to my original plan of selling when they get around $7. AMC has had major swongs for a while now - not sure how much is WSB.
The only annoying thing would be selling at $7 (Feb 2020 high) and watching it go to $33 (its peak in 2018) or higher.
Actually what I need to do though is what I failed to do last time - put a stop loss on it. My old blackjack strategy - if I’m up, give my chips to someone so I never lose more than $100.
Or I could just re-balance it back to my original “willing to lose it all” amount and take the 123% profit now. Decisions.