Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I’m skimming through BFI this AM because I’m bored and bahba is still in there trying to convince people that actively-managed mutual funds aren’t an enormous scam. Just like old times.

love how by the time someone posts an incredulous “GME now at X” post, its already gone up another $5


Basically short interest can become rocket fuel in this scenario and the kids going long never really have to worry about being forced to cover a position, they just have to worry about their calls expiring out of the money.

Even if they do this, there is nowhere to get in. Steam rules the PC space and has about 10 other competitors, and Microsoft and Sony each have their own streaming service, so there is no way they let a third party run streaming on their consoles.

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how much longer before they can buy steam?


Valve’s market cap is 63 B, so they would need to 10X even this insanity.

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just found out tootsie roll is somehow a stock… yeah its up 19% today


They’re only worth like 1/80th of Tesla so it seems like there’s still a bunch of upside.

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GME looking to go +200% today

Saw #stocks trending on Twitter this morning. The burst can’t be far now, ya?

WTF, Tootsie Roll has been trading at 30 for 5+ years?

How is that possible?

OK someone do the swole doge vs cheems meme with this guy

short sellers 2006:short sellers 2021

Yeah, we’re entering brokers jumping out windows because of meme stocks territory.

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GME has dropped $30 since you made this post

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There’s a tag page I follow called “we have murdered satire and sit on its corpse like a throne.”

That’s what this reminds me of.

hedge fund short sellers vs incel reddit millionaires?


People love tootsie, and clearly they prefer their tootsie in roll form.

uh oh, someone is taking profits.

SPY red

Amazing if the short squeeze on all the memes is what finally tanks the market

Time to YOLO it. Somebody point me to some reading material on trading options? Don’t need strategy (WSB strategy!), just need definition of terms and how to?