Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Vanguard brokerage accounts are probably the worst choice if you want to buy individual stocks. They’re the best if you just want to buy and hold index funds.

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I’m just going to buy VTSAX which I think is an index fund of the stonk market. If I were buying individual stonks honestly I might just use robinhood for that because I don’t think I would do individual stonks for a long time frame, i’d rather hold a basket of funds for longterm

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I only said something because you said “probably”. So just a heads up that if you ever do want to trade stocks it’s pretty bad on Vanguard (by design).

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Check out VOO to see if it sounds like your cup of tea. It’s a vanguard index fund etf. You buy it like any other stock. Offers a 1.7 dividend and has a very small expense ratio.

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Got it, thanks. Yeah I was weighing between VTSAX vs. their US Growth Index fund (VWUAX), but I’m like 90%+ sure i’m just going to do VTSAX. Maybe I’ll do mostly VTSAX and sprinkle on some VWUAX to bias me a bit more on the gamble side of things. However VWUAX has a pretty high expense ratio so that’s putting me off.

Not stonks that STONK, rube.

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Interesting. It seems like the dividend is better than VTSAX. What’s the catch? Also looks like it has a mutual fund counterpart (VFIAX). And it has expense ratio of 0.03 vs 0.04 for VTSAX

Yeah this is true. Also their customer service sucks. I still have an account there, though. But if I was starting over again today, I’d more or less have no reason to.

My actual favorite site in terms of ease of use, interface, and customer service is ETrade. But that’s just for the brokerage accounts. If you want banking (e.g. checking account) also, then Schwab is probably better.

But the correct answer is that it doesn’t matter. Vanguard is fine. They’re pretty much all fine.

This down day seems to be due (mainly?) to betting markets now favoring Dems to win GA

Polls are always wrong tho + GA shenanigans means that we might see a huge rip this week after Dems lose

Might pick up some end of day calls on QQQ

It’s also people realizing gains. If my dumbass was up enough to not realize gains due to taxes… people who know what they’re doing were up a lot more.

I would steer away from growth funds. I think there’s been research done that growth stocks generally have a lower return than the broad market.

If you want to tilt to riskier stocks, look at their small cap value fund, VSIAX. I remember looking into it, and small cap value was really the only class of passive funds that over-performed. Large and midcap value didn’t really show any benefit, and no growth fund did. I have half my US allocation in VTSAX and half in VSIAX. I’m a degenerate though.

This is surely the 1000th ‘buy the dip’ moment since COVID. I find it very hard to believe the Dems will do anything legislatively with even 50 senators (which imo is fairly unlikely and I have bet against it).

Wasn’t sure what thread to put this in but it’s an “other financial happenings” type of thing


When comparing VOO to VTSAX, in addition to the ETF vs. Mutual Fund aspect, VOO is concentrated in Large Cap (i.e., sp500) while VTSAX is a total market index fund. I like VTSAX for maximum diversification.

I’m not sure a higher dividend should be a factor, especially for a long-term holding in a taxable brokerage account, since dividends are taxable even if you automatically reinvest them.

BTC up another 10% after the Dems win the Senate


Amazing, in so many ways.

Meaning what?

It should considerably lower transaction fees longterm by allowing merchants (and banks) to cut out credit card companies and other third-party payments processors. Currently whenever you make a digital transaction between banks or something, it uses ACH or similar, which is a third party that verifies the transaction. Or when you swipe your credit card. This isn’t the case with stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies backed by USD that are built on a blockchain (USDC is one for example, built on the Ethereum blockchain). Blockchains are P2P and trustless so there is no need for a middleman (no need for ACH, Visa, Mastercard, etc).

private prison stocks had to go down a million points just now

edit–guess not