Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

ETH is up a ho hum 25% in the past 24 hrs. Here come the alts.

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I bought $100 of ETH a few years back because i’m a #greatinvestor. I’m getting ready to cash out my couple hundred extra bucks and buy more fast food with it.


I sold at $960 aud (about $800 usd) last week. Vomit.

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Now over $1000 :flushed:

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I’ve never invested in stonks via any means other than retirement account (HSA, IRA, 401k), but I’m coming to that point soon I think, what do people use or recommend for this? I basically just wanna buy the equivalency of US stonk market from my checking account. Is Robinhood what I want to use?

There are a ton of options, but for that specific use case, I’d probably go with Schwab. Free checking and brokerage easily linked. Great customer service. Cheap funds you can buy without fees.

We just use Fidelity because that’s where all our tax advantaged accounts are. That and Schwab (as mentioned by Melkerson) are both good choices. I didn’t bother setting up checking accounts at Fidelity, we just send money from our banks to our Fidelity sweep accounts when we want to contribute to a Roth or to our after tax brokerages.

European markets are STONKING today for some reason. FTSE 100 (UK) approaching 3% with everything else at or approaching 1.5%. Everything up in Asia too except for Japan.

2021 is Not stonks

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DJIA 30K. Thank you, working hard!

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Not really sure how much more the market can surge here in the next few months.

States aren’t opening up anytime soon and far less than expected imo, are going to take the vaccine. The dog will be inline to take the vaccine by February.

notables for 2020 close:

Dow Jones: 30,606.48
Spy: 373.88
BTC: 29,001.72
TSLA: 705.67
ZM: 337.32
ABNB: 146.80
GLD: 178.36
CCL: 21.66

lol, this is in response to the UK moving the second dose of vaccine to 12 weeks. Pfizer is saying that there is no data to to support that people are protected from week 4-12. Not because there wouldn’t be any protection, but because they didn’t do the test. They gave the first dose then 3 weeks later gave the second dose.

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Well, in what ended up being a tremendously hard thing to do, I just sold off some of my BTC and ETH. This recent run caused them to go higher than the percentage range of networth I had planned for them in my portfolio. What started as ‘no more than I could afford to lose’ became something that would cause a bit of pain if it all went to zero. I still think it can go much higher from here, but I just can’t stomach the risk. C’est la vie.

I had a preset range of X% to 2X% (percent of networth, I won’t reveal X) and when the amount exceeded 2.2X% this morning I sold back down to 1.5X%. If it exceeds 2.2X% again I’ll sell again back to 1.5X% and if it drops down below 0.9X% I’ll reload. Seems like as good of plan as any, I guess.

I lost bigly in that I missed much of the 2017 run-up by being in random altcoins since I was a crypto noob, but I was ready this time with my crypt portfolio being around ~70% BTC 30% ETH, so I caught most of the big BTC run and then got topped off even more with this recent ETH surge.

I think all of this dry powder is going to go directly into index STONKS. Might read up a bit on real estate but I don’t think I’ll dabble in that.


The people who won’t take the vaccine aren’t going to be locking down and generally aren’t at super high risk (young, stupid). I can see everything opening up while a steady stream of morons keep giving each other covid.

Sure, but the old and vulnerable can be incredibly thick headed as well. I just think the #'s are going to be lower in every category.

Alright I did some research think I’m going to use Vanguard for brokerage since that’s where my IRAs are held. Prob just gonna VTSAX and chill