Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Yeah because Trump touched him in the same places Trump touched deplorables. And we were all in denial about it. But his reasoning was complete shit as far as what Trump would do.

Every poker nerd with extra money was into shitcoins. Again, largely just stumbled into right place/right time.

I’m not saying the guy is stupid. But he’s incredibly lucky. And he’s also most likely a huge liar about how much he’s made - given his election night “hedge”. Dude is basically a Trump-level self-promoter. So who knows what’s true and what’s not.

Maybe. But there was incredible – seriously, just incredible – hedging opportunity on election night. Not at all implausible he scooped that up.

Yeah after being Mr. 100% go Trump for 4 years, he suddenly had a change of heart to reality. You know damn well if Trump won he’d be bragging about how he stayed the course and didn’t hedge.

I always wondered if in 2016 his plan was to just freeroll everyone at 2p2 and disappear in Thailand if Trump lost. He moved there right after the election I think. We’ll never know.

Dude’s twitter feed is still wall to wall pepe memes. Does that seem like someone with their finger on the pulse of society to you? Now he’s posting like he’s a genius again because BTC is up. When it crashes again he’ll post about how he got out at the top, which he magically forgot to mention at the time - just like his election night hedge.

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I mean he doesn’t have to be anti-Trump to snap up crazy hedge opportunities like Trump is 20-1 to win the election. Just be a reasonably savvy gambler.

Kills me that I was reading the BTC thread when it was selling for a 2 or 3 bucks a coin, read what I could about it, and decided it was worthless and would shortly tank to 0.


I believe people when they mention the trade at the time. Shameless self-promoters who brag about it after the fact, not so much.

You have to be on board for the rollercoaster. The multi-year valley after a peak seems to be a pretty dark time for the HODL crowd people I’ve known. 2 years of kicking yourself for not selling.

You would have sold way before now anyway.

I cashed out of Bovada once and had to do it in BTC. It was like $30,000 worth of bitcoins in 2015. I thought about leaving like half in bitcoins but was all like no, that’s insane.


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MAGA have moved on from Pepe


“normie” is such a great word. It immediately lets me know I can disregard everything a person is about to say.

tbf, I guess he’s not wrong about financial services largely existing to scam people.

lol financial advisors when you can just follow alex wice investment advice


Does anyone have any experience with Tax Gain Harvesting? It seems too good to be true but I may be in a position to do it this year.

Consider this simplified scenario:

Alex is married filing jointly, in early retirement with only investment income, and has lots of unrealized long-term capital gains in a taxable brokerage account.

2020 Income:
Ordinary Dividends: 44800
(Qualified Dividends: 20000)
Total income: 44800
Standard Deduction: 24800
Taxable Income: 20000

Since long-term capital gains are taxed at 0% up to 80000 of taxable income, Alex can sell shares to realize a 60000 gain with no tax liability. Moreover, he can repurchase the same shares immediately to establish a new cost basis.

Since I’m used to paying 15% tax on LTCG, this feels like a free 9K and it would be crazy for Alex not to do it. Is there any problem with this analysis?

Whats killing futures this morning?

Mythical Stimulus was much sexier than actual Stupid Stimulus?


Looks like TSLA is drilling hard and taking S&P with it.

Who could have seen that coming???

Great. Now I can’t even enjoy TSLA tanking anymore since I have a good chunk in an S&P fund as there is no total market option in my 401k.