Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Do you need to be 2.5 feet tall to sit in that thing?

Not sure, but you’ll need to buy your own protective case if you want to survive a crash.


All my puts finally expired Friday.

If Apple really has a car, wow. How the hell are they going to manufacture it?

I mean how many Hondas is apple worth. They can probably pick up an entire car company with their loose change down the side of the sofa.

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Yeah but Apple has all that money because they’re spectacularly profitable. They have many Honda’s worth of revenue at drastically better net profit margins.

Comparing Tesla to Apple is silly for that reason.

I’m comparing them favorably. Saying it’s even more lol tesla if apple is gonna drink their milkshake.

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Oh fair enough.

How would Apple distribute cars? Through Apple stores? That violates state franchise law in every state. I’m sure they could work around it but 1. Building the cars and 2. Physically selling them, not to mention 3. Servicing them are major hurdles.

That said, good god they would make sooooooooo much money financing cars and selling apps/add ons.

So, I’m just venturing into small crypto amounts since I was looking into poker deposits.

Some questions - For small amounts, is it best just to keep a simple Coinbase wallet, and then move to an offline wallet if I happen to start investing actual extra money there?
Coinbase gave me like $35 bucks in Stellar, compound, maker, celo, and band. Should I keep these segregated or just convert it all to bitcoin or some other litecoin type?

lol, who cares. Just make a pretty CAD of a prototype and watch the stonks go up.

I mean, I get that Tesla doesn’t care, but Apple actually is long-term oriented and really good at strategy so they’re not going to do this, if they do, without an actual plan to profitably sell stuff.

$600 in every Robin hood account not enough to keep the stonk train brrrrrring

Same as everything else they make, trust in the ingenuity and work ethic of chinese tweens.

If apple made a car it would have to be charged like this


I think Tesla has pushed through dealer reforms in a lot of states. Presumably Apple would want to copy Tesla’s (groundbreaking) distribution strategy.

i wonder if it will be legal for stocks to go down in 2021

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LOL they’re up for the day now?

STONKS forever!

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International got hammered today. I may have to stop investing in countries that insist on a reality based approach to decision making.