Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

If this year has taught me anything it’s that I’m too stupid to try and time the market or make any individual +EV stock plays, but just smart enough to max my retirement and never look at it. Hope the world still exists when
I retire in 30 years.


My 401k is all spy. Save me elon

100% bonds is absolutely riskier than 20/80, you have no inflation protection.

So who’s going to start an S&P sans TSLA etf so we can all race to lose to the S&P by a quadrillion percent next year?


100% i-bonds, baby!

And I get shit around here even though I’m the guy who missed half the drop then got back in at the literal bottom. I’m up 57% since May. 33% since my peak in Feb.

Riverman’s post about missing runups was what gave me the itchy trigger finger to jump back in. I also got lucky that every stonk I jumped back in with mooned.

My last theory before going back in index funds until the next black swan, is that certain stonks will recover more or less to Feb levels. One last bank heist, then I’m retiring for good. It’s going ok so far, except for AMC.

I’ve hit the point where I type stonk w/o thinking.

Putting your money in anything but stonks is -EV because all the rich people have their money in stonks and they won’t lose their wealth because our economy is rigged for them. There’s basically no scenario where the lower class actually gains any ground on the rich via investment means. So just do what rich ppl do and win. They can’t lose so you won’t lose. Pretty straightforward.



I sold a bunch and didn’t put it all back in after the pandemic hype either but what I did put back in did way better than the market. I’d say yay me but I sold off some of my bitcoin stash last year so I’m still not rich and purely because of my own lol mistakes. goddamnit

I’ve bought and used BTC multiple times for deposits and withdrawals for online poker and other online transactions. The fees are ridiculous, and I’ve never understood how BTC is supposed to be a real currency when I’m paying 5% on every transaction.

But Haralabos has a huge position in it so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This makes it sound like we’re gonna be holding Tesla bags. Woot woot.

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Thankfully it’s only 1% of the index, but it’s still outrageous. Great article.

Seems like index investors should primarily be mad at S&P for keeping TSLA out of the index for the last quarter for no clear reason. Their efforts at stock-picking cost indexers a measurable chunk of performance.

This just showed up in my twitter feed after being retweeted unironically by someone wholly unrelated to poker or 2p2.

I just laughed.


Oof. That guy kills me.

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I replied with the worstpersonyouknow meme

Yeah, I was about to say it’s a case for whole market indexing instead of just buying the biggest 500 companies.

Is awice the guy who won millions from other 2+2 people betting on Trump and then rolled those winnings into bitcoin?

Can think of worse people to take investment advice from.

Yes, which is why it’s one of these situations:

He also claims to have bet 7 figures on Trump this year, but then magically hedged during the election when Trump pulled ahead and got off scot-free. As proof he posted an out of context garph.

Dude is FOS. His profile pic is him in front of 2 random cars in a hotel parking lot. EM2 kept trying to get him to bet the night of the election. It’s hard to tell who’s completely FOS in th exchange. But it didn’t happen.

And that seems to be the end of it.

His reasoning in 2016 was that Trump was going to pivot and do infrastructure and healthcare. It’s like taking poker advice from the guy who keeps calling off his stack with TPNK and hitting a dream runout.

Dunno about all that, but he definitely did win millions from 2+2 normies betting on Trump, right? Then rolled the winnings into bitcoin when it was in the hundreds of dollars? Not making any value judgements about what sort of person he is but I’m just saying…