Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)


There were articles like this in 1999 to justify dotcom stonk prices.

what does that article have to do with stock valuations?

It was the same concept - new economy, old rules don’t matter. But I guess not much.

that’s not what that article is about, it’s saying that economists have been wrong for the last three hundred years or whatever.

That doesn’t count as “old rules”?

No? The physicist guy is saying that economists suck and have always sucked because they are using the wrong math. His NEW AND IMPROVED math would fix things.

That certainly is how the article frames it, but seems odd to me since what they are talking about is really a criticism of expected utility theory.

I’m sure there is prior art, but I think of that as something that was really formalized in the 20th century. And by the end of the 20th century, people knew there were lots of problems with it. Daniel Kahneman even won a Nobel prize in 2002 for his work on prospect theory, which is an alternative to expected utility.

That’s a lot of words for stonks go BRRRRR

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I don’t have any delusions about Bitcoin becoming a global currency but it can easily take the place of gold as a non-inflationary, government-independent storage of value, and it is on its way to doing just that. I have some in my portfolio as well as Ethereum. There’s almost zero millennials or zoomers that give a f about a block of metal. But bitcoin is cool, and it’s easy to buy.

Edit - it is a small portion of my portfolio though. It’s right at the point where I would not be doomed if it went to 0, and I would be doing very well if I’m right about it taking the place of gold. If Bitcoin reaches the market cap of gold, it would be worth $500,000 per Bitcoin. All of the rest of my portfolio is in STONKS.

In the last 10 minutes tsla went from 632 to 674 to 642 to 695 before closing at 667

really glad its being included in S&P!

Looks like they updated and it closed at 695 lol.

This is me. Im the one who missed out on market gains for being a doofus. Looked like a genius then revealed to be the moron I am. Putting $ back in the market in percentage chunks now. Hopefully the value of our money will sink to zero so I don’t have to calculate the compounded loss and feel bad for life.

Same boat. Called the literal top but was waiting for Dow 18k. Whoops! Still 100% bondarinos

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Same here.

Auto deposit.
Auto-reinvest dividends.
Set and forget.


Lotteries tho

Settled at 13 Hondas. Seems reasonable

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Wow the Spy holders got royally fucked. $695 lmao.

According to @Riverman, that’s more risky than stonks. You’re really living on the edge.