Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Are you able to give us any insight into what you are hearing internally?

I basically didn’t sleep last night with this decision over my head. I need some information from inside a travel company from someone I can trust because I am not sure any public statements are going to be truthful.

post halt 400 point bounce.

Our ETF buys in our Roths executed, will have to see if our mutual fund rebalancing to 60:40 goes through at EOB.

I feel a little sick about buying right now but I’m following my plan.

Looks like it’s found some resistance, hopefully it holds

Don’t see why you couldn’t.

I thought about it, but I refinanced from a 30-year to a 15-year several years ago and am only about 8 years from paying it off, so it might not be worth it at this point. Plus, I’m at 2.99%, so it would take a hell of a low rate to get me to tack on a couple years.

Shouldn’t gold and silver being going up in times like these? Silver is down 2.5% and gold is breaking even as of now.

I’m not trying to time the bottom, I’m working money in as it drops.


Well, I work for a publicly-traded company, so even if I did have some sort of super-secret inside info, I wouldn’t share it, but honestly, the internal communication is not different from what you hear in public statements or headlines. We all see airlines making capacity cuts, we see Fortune 500 companies halting travel, and big conferences/events getting canceled.

There is obviously going to be a massive shock to the entire industry. Hopefully, short-term. Demand levels are down all over the board. Anybody who says they know exactly what the financial impact will be and how quickly it’ll recover post-coronavirus is just guessing. I think every company is looking at how they conserve cash right now, and employees are rightfully starting to wonder at what point it leads to cuts in overhead.

Yeah I’m sure the employees are in freaking out mode. I am and haven’t even started yet. If the idea of LIFO has any significant weight behind it, then joining a travel company now seems close to a guarantee to be a quick turnaround into fired town.

My brother works for Delta and just moved to another state a couple weeks ago to take a new position within the company. I would think he’s safe, though, as he’s been there a long time and is well-respected.

Well, markets have been booming for a decade, some kind of fallback was inevitable.


I would guess most probably gave either an official or unofficial freeze on hiring right now.

algos have literally no idea what to do right now

Things seem to have stabilized a bit. Did the fed trot out a talking head?

Cash is essentially going up against every asset and gold is keeping pace. Flight to safety is always to cash and treasuries. Silver and other metals with more industrial uses will be less in demand as economy slows.

Gold is still good to hold right now, if the Fed announces more rate cuts or quantitative easing to essentially devalue the dollar and prop up other assets, then Gold will go up against the dollar. This is an extremely likely scenario at the next fed meeting if not sooner. Gold may rise in anticipation of this.

Who remembers the silver thread on 22? That was amazing.

Sometimes I poke in on the Bitcoin reddit for funsies. A week ago there was a guy who said he took out a loan on his 401k to go all-in. Smart play.

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80/20 here and doing the same thing.

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What was the one guys name? Silverman? Something close to that?

Ron Paul ‘bout to get PAID pimping high commission gold products to hapless oldsters!

So wait if you’re buying stocks right now then you and I are doing the exact same thing. I’m just fully invested in stocks and can’t buy any more. If I had cash right now I’d be buying stocks with it. So if I sold my stocks then I’d have some money lying around and I’d buy stock with it? I guess I’m not sure what your point is if you’re buying stocks at the moment. Just reminding me that I didn’t have the foresight to sell a month ago? Sure, but irrelevant to the current situation. At least d10 is having the decency to tell me to panic sell all my stocks right now, which is at least actionable. You’re just saying I should have been smart enough to sell weeks ago, which, OK? I wasn’t and I’m not. Who cares?

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