Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

circuit breaker only runs for 15 minutes?

Oh we are super fucked. Whats the next circuit breaker level?

Maybe Mnuchin can hand out sheets of uncut bills to everyone.

How about a Mnuchin/Kudlow tag-team reassurance session?


Iirc 13%, then done for the day @20%

I think the progression is:
7% pauses for 15 minutes
13% pauses for another 15 minutes
20% ends trading for the day

Damn, my pony hit a circuit breaker

I mean it’s a pretty easy solution, all you do is cut interest rates so that… oh no wait they already cut to the bone thanks to trumps incessant demands to prop up the ridiculous stock market P/Es

Well at least the final backstop is that the government uses the surpluses they’ve built up in the good times to do some deficit spending… oh no they gave all that money away to 40 billionaires.


She doesn’t know anything about that stuff. I said it in a joking tone. Told her no worries.

My 11-year old told me this weekend that he plans on getting a scholarship. I informed him he should probably study.

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There’s been a lot of new information over the last month. The bungling by the CDC and the Trump administration’s apparent decision to actively whitewash the disease over trying to ameliorate it are both new and terrible developments.

The other question is this: at what specific value does the S&P500 become a buy? It’s some number higher than zero–which one?

'bout 350


So if they close the market we are at 3 year lows essentially?

Market reopens at 9:49 ET


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Feels like we may be witnessing history boyce

On the bright side, maybe people can refinance their mortgages.

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No, market was like 15% lower than right now in December 2018

yeah but a 20% loss today would put us at 20691. The lowest we hit in 2018 was mid 22s

down another 150 in a minute

Preach! Only caveat is that obviously it’s bad for the markets to tank, because it means bad things are happening, but in terms of what you need to do about it, it’s just check your allocation and rebalance if needed.

My refi closed two weeks ago. It’s absurd, but I’m thinking that I need to just refinance again. Is there some reason I can’t do that? Obviously I’ll eat some more closing costs, but the 10-year is down a full percentage point since I locked my rate.

I’m thinking exactly the same thing.

Last 2-3 years I’ve been kicking myself for having way too much cash and not moving enough into the market. A little thankful for that now as my 401K and IRAs wither away, but now nervous about employment (work in travel industry).