Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Is the other one about the health benefits of drinking child blood?


Nope it’s this. Yeah he’s not a stupid guy, but holy shit are some of his ideas stupid. In particular his position that monopolies are basically fine is one of the most self serving piles of bullshit I know of.

The day this happens the teenagers will be taking those things down with nets and shit.

Relevant (I had no idea this was happening):


This is definitely being battle tested in the pandemic. One of my favorite local restaurants is doing delivery of component pieces of, say, an enchiladas order. Then you warm the filling, assembly the tortilla wraps, cover with sauce and cheese and bake. It’s super easy and of course much superior right out of the oven.

Man I was way ahead on this. Any time I get a subway I always go for untoasted then toast it myself in the oven. It tastes so so much better.

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This describes everything but pizza for me. Also I don’t trust the grubhub driver not to be nibbling on my fries. If I was a grubhub driver in my early 20s - I’d be nibbling on your fries.



Stupid stonks y u no always go up?

Red Monday. But at least my Berkshire has gone to infinity. So that should help.

Are there any more vaccine announcements left?

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Probably be bumps as they get official regulatory approvals and then when distribution news starts hitting. Although if we trip on our dicks trying to do distribution we could have some tanking too.

I have faith in this guy.

Watch Trump fire him.

PSTH making moves today and jumped again right before close. Almost 6x the average daily volume today, announcement soon?

These SPACs have been wild

BTC all time high :expressionless:

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not yet! needs to breach 20k IMO

They raised the target by 10%. Since yesterday.


Shit like this and Uber really makes sitting on my hands and never ever shorting anything hard. I know they’re total fabricated bullshit that is going to zero, but I also know that it would probably bankrupt me if I let it.

Airbnb (also going public, very similar target valuation) intuitively seems like a better business, but they aren’t making money either. On the surface I would assume their business actually does scale well, and that they can cut costs and achieve profitability basically instantly if they want. Perhaps to this point, what is Airbnb spending a billion dollars on for “product development?” How do you spend $1.6 billion (a full one third of revenue) on “sales and marketing?” I’m going to dig in a little but this doesn’t seem great either.

Powell: economic recovery uncertain

Market: STONKS

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This isn’t hard. There’s literally no ceiling on advertising spending.

Which line has all the money they spend fighting municipal regulations? That’s the biggest bang for their buck.