Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Spanish Flu: 1918
Covid: 2019
are you trying to say we are in the Roaring 20’s right now?

Also wouldn’t that 1918 non-recession have been calculated based by reference to economic activities during WW1?

I’m not actually sure this is true. I know this is going to sound weird but I think we luckboxed our lockdown heading right into summer which was enough to mostly control the virus until now. Now we have no appetite for restrictions and are heading into winter with a enormous baseline and no hope of widespread vaccine until at least spring. 5k+ deaths a day is definitely on the table and that would be towards the worse end of what we originally thought possible. We will likely still go over 500k deaths from Covid before we have widespread vaccine access. Maybe much more depending on how bad it gets.

I agree the Covid thing is not going to cause crash 2.0 because it is a known entity and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe a bit of a pullback but not what we saw in March.

Has anyone thought about how many folks would voluntarily take the vaccine?

Most people I’ve spoken with would either want to wait a bit or just not take it at all. I’d imagine that If 20% or less take this thing early on, shit could get real bad.

Yeah for the 80% of idiots.

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I’m guessing they are referring to real bad for ‘stonks and other financial happenings’?

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Anything bad about the vaccine probably isn’t going to manifest itself right away - or they would have caught it during the trial.

So basically if you’re worried about growing an arm out of your head in 5 years or something - your only recourse is to never take the vaccine.

Stonks just pumped on this breaking bullish news

Now we are pumping on news of talks to start talking about stimmy

McConnell: For red states - everything. For blue states - the shaft. This part is non-negotiable. But we’re welcome to negotiate about what the red states and a few giant corporations get.


I love how the market moons at all these bullshit stimulus hopes but doesn’t crater each time it becomes apparent they’re bullshit. Very efficient market, indeed.


Like 5% of the population controls like 99% of the liquid capital, and they have no place else to put it.

The crazy thing is, I’m not quite sure how this bubble eventually bursts… But they always find a way.

My boss said he’s going to wait to take the vaccine. I couldn’t believe it.

Buy the rumour, ignore the news

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Or more accurately buy todays allotment of stonks because you have nowhere else to put the money that won’t get you fired.

Don’t be so cynical. ALL the giant corporations are going to get free money.

Futures loving the GSA thing. It appears the market priced in an 80% chance of Trump retaining power and destroying the country and now that the shocking development, him being unsuccessful, is happening, S+P500 is heading to 5000.

Elon musk now the world’s second richest man, you hate to see it

Trump is going to take credit for the recent STONKING, book it.

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Crossed 30K.