Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

We might hit 30K today? What the fuck?

Yeah W (my company) is getting rocked

Thank God this didn’t happen a week earlier. We’d be permafucked



It’s a good day to own oil companies.

Very “not stonks” since the opening bell, actually.

ZM, PTON, other “covid plays” all dead, travel/oil/etc all up bigly, EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL NOW

I’m tempted to pick up some cruise line stock. Who’s the best of breed? It can’t be Carnival can it?

As long as it’s short term it’s a decent value play. They’ll gain a lot of ground through when they release their first normalish looking quarterly earnings… but over the long haul that industry is totally fucked. There’s no climate change response possible that leaves them intact. A climate change plan leaves the cruise lines unscathed is like a diet that includes a lot of mayo and soft drinks. It’s an easy cut and not doing it is a pretty clear indication that you aren’t serious.

I say this all as a guy who made a lot of money off the costa concordia disaster. CCM dropped hard in early morning trading and I went all in. The ship was insured and the accident was non material to their earnings and their already reasonably priced stock dropped 15%. I was out within a week (I don’t remember the details) for roughly what they were at before the shipwreck.

love to buy things after they are up 40% in the first 30m

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Yeah the time to buy the stock was the instant the news about the vaccine broke. If I still fancied myself a trader/investor that would have been a 100% standard move for me.

Right - my goal has just been to look for stonks that are still way underwater in covid and ride them until they get back to pre-covid levels. I plan to dump the oil stonks when that happens. I may keep Delta Airlines. I like them.

I saw 4%. Oh lol I read it wrong. NM

Still there’s a lot of room to claw back.

Travel stonks up 10-15%.

Why is PFE only up ~9%?

Seems like a good time to go short on a travel ETF… which naturally means you should go long a 3x travel ETF because STONKS.


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A vaccine got announced. At least my retirement accounts are happy.

This is the 3rd time this year that on a day oil boomed my friendly oil company just happened to show up to make a delivery. I’m glad they’re watching out for me.


I’m up almost a year of semi-retirement (very cheap nomadic lifestyle) today.

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