Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Please tell me what you should done.

More shutdowns are not inevitable.

Congress is never going to agree to pay people anything near the additional 600 as before and folks were stir crazy about the first lockdown even with the stimulus.

You won’t be able to lockdown down a state like California with its insanely high cost of living without a similar level of stimulus which ain’t happening.

damn, not supposed to let the virus dominate you bro

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Bought short dated calls since spy 240.

Tough game!

How bad would it have to get before lockdowns happened again. 5k per day dying? more? Or do we just keep on keeping on no matter how bad it is?

I obviously don’t have the answer but It would likely have to get bad enough for congress to offer at least the same 600 plus the business grants as before at a minimum which is pretty damn lol, imo.

A lot of folks are already financially irreparably fucked as of now and Gavin Newsome has mentioned that and wants to work with businesses the best he can. If we do lockdown to that extent, the market fucked it up predicting it far worse than the first time.

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It’s hard to lockdown when everyone’s broke including all levels of government without massive government intervention. It could happen with a Dem landslide but outside of that I don’t see it.

Not to mention “covidfatigue”

True. The benefits of locking down go way down when most people won’t really follow it. That will be the lasting legacy of Donnie Dumbfuck most likely.


Good points. There should be a kind of middle ground. Were there is no official lockdown but a big part of the population self isolates.

It may even be the worst case scenario if federal money does not come to the rescue

In the absence of stricter anti-virus measures now, Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization’s regional director for Europe, warned last week, daily mortality rates from Covid-19 could reach “levels 4 to 5 times higher than what we recorded in April.” And what makes this wave even more challenging than the last: People have already endured the pain of lockdowns once. They’re tired of the pandemic, and leaders in some cities and states are even fighting back against federally imposed measures. If pandemic restrictions are abandoned, the new wave in Europe could rival the severity of the last one.

This describes whats happening in the US and it sounds scary to me.

Also if cases go down, that’s good for stonks because it means that we are in recovery. Also if cases stay exactly the same that’s good for stonks because it’s sign of stability. You should buy the stonks. You can trust me because I collect a healthy commission on each stonk you buy, and they wouldn’t pay me that if I didn’t know what I was talking about. Sign here.


Sympathy heart, I don’t like that you’re down 900 gazillion percent.

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Right so I’m going to wait a couple more months then buy puts. If you don’t mind just letting us know when you go to zero… Seems like that’ll be the moment.


I’m imagining this in other contexts.

People were tired of the mass shooting, so they came out from their hiding places and stood up.

People were tired of the Cat 5 hurricane so they went back outside.

People were tired of the blizzard so they did snow angels in swimsuits.

People were tired of the fires so they doused their homes in lighter fluid.

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Time to buy puts surely has to be day before the election from an EV perspective. My reasoning is if Trump loses he will go full obstructionist and do lots of weird shit and stimulus definitely won’t be close to done before Jan, if Trump loses but somehow repubs don’t lose Senate then god knows what happens but surely it’s bad past January 21, basically only scenario that brings stability and possible short term gain in the markets is Dem landslide and eventually the worries around regulation have to rear their heads. But again I’ve been wrong about basically everything for the past six months!

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Better comparison would be:

Londoners were tired of the Blitz, so they started walking around outside at all hours.

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Except only 32,000 people died during the blitz. This is actually way stupider. I’d say there was way more property damage during the blitz, but we’ve spent more than double the UK’s GDP on pandemic relief so far with no end in sight so that’s not true either.

We’re really witnessing some historical idiocy right now. It’s bananas.

For sure, but it’s a complicated issue, ldo.

For starters, you got a lot of the older teachers not wanting to take the risk to teach the kids for 40k/year when there is a solid chance that themselves or family members around them could die from that person teaching the kids in a classroom. I don’t blame them. Same goes for many other mandatory professions as well as other high demand jobs during covid such as supermarkets.

On the flipside, you also need to be aware that parents can’t stay home to be there for their kid’s distant learning but instead need to be able to work their job to support those kids. Not being allowed to work his/her persons job to support their family while unemployment ends is also some serious sinister shit.

I recently moved to a pretty small town 30,000ish and our downtown looks like something out of fallout 4. We’ve had 11 covid deaths. This is with us heading into the pandemic at a near economical high and some of the highest stimulus ever given and this is the result it produced. It is certain that the restrictions saved lives but there are other factors.