Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

US might be better off than Europe since we’ve never actually done a Europe-style lockdown apart from NY and NJ. So we’ve had rolling waves of epidemic peaking regionally for months, whereas Europe beat it down to almost nothing and seems to be seeing an exponential explosion from very low numbers.

Markets under pressure. Are they finally Coved aware?
Thinking about putting on downside risk:
(SQQQ) Nasdaq 100
(SPXU) S&P 500
(TZA) Russel 2000
3X leveraged etf’s
Easier then options because you only have to be right in direction. No expiration dates. Putt options would be more profitable because you also capture the premium increase due to a rising vix.
(SCO) leveraged crude bear etf.

Lots happing this week with most S&P companies reporting earnings this week and stimulus talks ongoing. And of course next week we have an election which im sure you are all aware of. I think virus fears can mute most of that but who knows for sure.

Volatility is going to be insane. But I think its going to be mostly to the downside, If anyone has a theory of how markets rise from here I would love to hear it.

I don’t know shit about the markets but if the election is close and we have uncertainty with Trump going full crazy I think the market tanks, but if Biden sweeps hard I think the market soars because Stimulus actually is coming and is gonna be a big un.

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Stimulus is a big wildcard. If it doesn’t come till the end of January that is a lot of damage to the economy between now and then.

Market gonna go down with a Biden win imo

Why? Worst case is a Biden win and a Republican senate IMO.
Republicans will be very stingy with stimulus.

I think it’s been shown pretty conclusively that the market has basically nothing to do with the economy at this point. You’re trying to guess what a bunch of random rich people and opaque black box algorithms are going to do, not what will happen to the economy.

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Futures gonna be down 500 at the bell it looks like

In the short run I think this is true. But over the long haul earnings matter.
Trying to guess what will happen over the next few months may be a fools game but hey the posters here are refuges from a gambling website so…

Nope. Kudlow got on CNBC and did a stimmy pump. Rallying now lol.


If the market is going to tank it will happen after the election when the Trump fraud machine stops caring about propping it up with stimulus and vaccine pumps.

Well that Kudlow appearance only popped about a 40 point swing. Its beginning to look impossible for the market to look at record setting case days from here on out and an obvious lack of stimulus and thisisfinedog.jpg.

And there goes the Kudlow bump. Down 100 points in the last 5 minutes

Tempted to jump back into equities but I think I’m going to stick to the plan and wait till closer to the election. Idk 🤷

Down 2.5 percent 2 hours in. What’s the kill switch, 7?

I can’t believe the market actually thought there was going to be a stimulus. I guess it was pricing in a 10% chance?

Both the virus explosion and the lack of stimulus have been obvious for weeks. Stonks gonna stonk.


think this is covid round 2 more than stimmy

Wild, no panic dumping, just a steady medium volume stream selling all day. Please line up in single file and proceed to exit the market.