Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Yeah that’s a reasonable position to have. It’s a natural defense mechanism to protect you from the pain of disappointment. And this one is going to really sear me if we lose, so I totally understand why you’d want cover to hide behind.



Why is Delta flying high today? New bailout hopes?

Maybe they announced completely self flying planes so that your plane can go to work for you while you’re sleeping?

Does anyone know why markets are not reacting to the parabolic rise in corona cases in Europe and the upper mid west in the US. I kind of understand how the market missed it back in January and February, as things were, markets tend to have a blind spot to global pandemics. But this just happened six months ago and now we are moving at light speed to round two which has the potential to be, in fact I think its probable, much much worse.

What am i missing? How does the US avoid significant shutdowns of the economy for weeks if it not months and thats on top of the economic damage that has already been done here and Europe.

Do I have things wrong here? I just don’t see how we avoid massive economic disruption when we are confirming 200,000 new cases a day and the hospitals are full up. And that should be were we are heading if we don’t change are habits. Right?

Because like Fauci says, there’s no appetite for another lockdown pretty much everywhere in the US. We’re just going to Sweden through it at this point.

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I get that but the market, I thought, was smarter then that. It just seems like things have the potential to get much worse then what most people would expect. And a lot of policy makers think the first lock down was a mistake, but you cant prove what did not happen. And that might really come back to haunt us in say mid December-January.

T.I.N.A. ?

France today +41,000 new cases. That would be US 225,000 new cases when adjusted for population differences. Its not even winter yet.

Na if they saw this coming they all go to dollars.

Look at the cases in Europe today

All setting new records for single day in totals. Blowing away previous records.
People are being tested more widely now so its hard to say where they are at compared to February and March but the pace at which the cases are increasing is impressive.

More Corona means more stimmy = BULLISH

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Stimulus comes into play no doubt. But what im getting at here is that more shutdowns are inevitable and the market just has not got around to pricing that in yet.

Does anyone have any puts on now? Maybe index puts OOTM 2 months out?

More cases gets us closer to herd immunity, STONKS bro


Ask @WichitaDM how his puts have been doing


I’ve been dominating:


Lol I’m about the same, if only I had just turnef off my brain and buy calls on ~anything/everything


If I had just inversed all my positions I would have made an absurd amount.


Next time you buy puts make sure to open your window and scream “GOING ALL IN ON AIRLINE AND CRUISE LINE CALLS” so that you can trick the market

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To be fair I fucked up on this play bigly getting in way too early. I wish I had all the bullets to fire now instead. I’ve obviously learned my lesson.

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