Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Goddamn, shit like this wakes up the gambler in me and makes me reconsider avoiding options

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Yeah I have all my cash in Euros basically. It’s done pretty well over the last 6 months vs. the dollar.

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If we get another big stimulus that trade should validate well. You might consider diversifying into some gold and other currencies as well.

UDN is a way to diversify against the dollar. It tracks six different currencies against the dollar. Single leverage bear side etf.

I guess we’re back to STONKING again today.

Are you saying the bulk of your life roll wasn’t in stonks?

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“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but STONKS abideth forever” read your bible sinners

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Wait they actually thought we were getting stimulus? Lol stonks


Stimulus talks heat up: +5%
Stimulus talks fall through: -2%
Stimulus talks heat up: +5%
Stimulus talks fall through: -2%
Stimulus talks heat up: +5%
Stimulus talks fall through: -2%



Futures are up significantly tonight on “hopes for a stimulus deal”.

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Stimulus passes: -20%
Need even more Stimulus talks heat up: +5%



Just that man, jagsfan.gif

Jesus fuck

Yesterday’s headlines be like: markets tumble ahead of stimulus deadline.

Today’s be like: markets open higher ahead of stimulus deadline.

It seems pretty clear there isn’t going to be a stimulus bill that Pelosi/Mnuchin can come up with that Mitch will even allow for a vote. I guess that leaves me with the question of does that mean it is priced in? Or are STONKS really this dumb?

I think STONKS believe, with great conviction, that:

  1. There are still enough adults in the room to get this done.

  2. Pelosi, Mnuchin and McConnell know that if this doesn’t get done, the economy is going to be turbo fucked.

  3. All three care more about that than literally anything else.

In other words, they still haven’t figured out that Mitch would rather watch like 20-30M people get wrecked than pass stimulus.


They think Pelosi will cave.

I think they’re morons.

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No stimmy = dems sweep = bigger stimmy

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Would they have to nuke the filibuster though?

They could probably pass SOMETHING via reconciliation (50 votes), but, there are limits on what subjects can be addressed by reconciliation. Not an expert on those rules, but, I don’t think the full HEROES act could pass by reconciliation because some of the stuff about the post office and voting might not be considered strictly budgetary in nature. But, if they just want to metaphorically drop money out of helicopters, 50 votes should be enough.

Pelosi will cave.

They haven’t given her a pitch she can even swing at yet honestly. LOL forever at anyone claiming we should have done a skinny bill before the election. The GOP offer is like 350B of PPP, 150B of graft, and nobody gets sued for being negligent about COVID. It’s not a popular offer and it’s a total nonstarter for excellent reasons.


100% I’m just so pessimistic of anything good (for long term) happening