Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Stonks. The dollar crashing while even US stonks continue to blow up at the same time sure does point to the dollar devaluation money printer go brrrr thing that I’ve been told is nonsense because reasons.

Bullish - more stimulus


I’m not worried because Trump knows how to run the country like a business.

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Still one of the things that tilts me the absolute most is how many people in the US think that the way Donald Trump does business is normal. The guy is a massive money losing black hole, and that’s with taking every single opportunity to cheat or steal presented to him. What’s interesting about that is that he’s been a complete piece of shit for such a long time that it’s priced in now and he’s almost certainly not benefiting from being a lying cheating scumbag. Any edge he generates from being a grinding chasm of shittiness is totally overwhelmed by the awful pricing or execution he’s getting.

Like imagine the terms you would need as a contractor to work for the Trump organization… that’s what they are paying.


In fairness to him, he is running the country like one of his businesses.


Yes he very much is. All of his behavior makes total sense for a low rent real estate scumbag with strong ties to organized crime. It’s exactly what you’d expect honestly.

It works in slumlording - one off transactions with powerless, desperate, ignorant people. If you are an unapologetic scumbag, slumlording is the easiest imaginable non-criminal path to wealth. And slumlords benefit from all kinds of government subsidies, most notably Fannie/Freddie non-recourse financing.


Worst ever quarter was good for a 500 point drop and now already heading back up. STONKS

We are finishing green today! STONKS

Big tech earnings are good for a massive pump too.

The US must really drive the world’s oil demand.

Blowout tech earnings! STONKS!

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After market up almost 1% so -32.5% GDP = +0.6%

well today we found out what we expected–the market is almost 2/3rds what it was before and yet it’s risen a lot since

Stock market STONKS GO UP

me head hits desk repeatedly

at least kodak came down to only completely absurd levels instead of what the fuck is wrong with the idiots on robinhood values

Also the hugeeee sales boosts for Tech really worry me that a huge % of Americans on unemployment sadly spent it on retail purchases instead of paying down debt.


Why pay down debt when it will be worthless in 5 years?

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I’ve been paying down my mortgage because I honestly have NFC what to do with my money

Of course they did. Everyone was telling them everything would be back to normal by now. That said, a lot of essential/near essential retail probably moved from brick and mortar to online, so Amazon etc doing well made sense. Apple is the one that really throws up some red flags on spending habits in a pandemic.

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