Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Are you sure this is true? I’m almost certain I’ve heard of people doing it.

Of course you can trade options in a Fidelity retirement account

I think Melkerson is correct. Suzzer might be thinking of short-selling, you can’t short-sell in an IRA because it requires using margin which is restricted in IRAs. But pretty sure you can buy puts/calls though.

Can confirm that you can buy options in a Fidelity IRA. The jury’s still out on whether gambling a little bit on some August 21st SPY puts was wise or not though.

You can but they’re super nits on who they approve. TDA approved me for all strategies whereas in my individual Fidelity account I can only write covered calls.

Dollar is crashing and gold silver bitcoins all going nuts. This is fine

FXE all the way. Gonna ride this all the way to the collapse of the US then pray I can get my money out somehow.

I’m 2/3 in cash (FXE = Euros). But it doesn’t even feel like cash when you keep making $1k/day or more.

been rewatching Sopranos and just got to Little Carmine’s “a pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold”.

Right now a gallon of gold will run you about $4,552,000.

I buy silver nuggets and golf cyanide salts that are used in electroplating processes. Those POs would be really painful to send out if the price didn’t passed on to our customers.

Wtf is golf cyanide salt?

Haha should say gold, my phone typing is not great

I have no idea either, shit stocks go up, stocks get more valued than they could possibly ever actually get in reality and still go up. More people die, stocks go up. Gold/Silver skyrocketing as well.

I’m dumb for getting a fair bit out awhile ago (was a good move for awhile) I guess. Nothing matters it just goes up.

I’ve noticed I’m significantly better at realizing when things are going to shit versus STONKS GO UP.

It’s counter intuitive but the riskiest thing you can do right now is to be holding cash. Like even if you are really bearish on covid and are certain millions more will die the only thing that means is more stimulus and more money gets printed.

Whenever i get nervous about having a large chunk of my net worth in the market during a pandemic i just remind myself that we live in an oligarchy run by the wealthy so you might as well have your money in the same place they do, because they are going to protect their money over everything else. Corporations will always be the first to get bailed out in this country, even if/when Trump loses.


I’m pretty much in the same boat. But making .5%/day on my Euros is kind of addicting.

I’m actually weighted too much elsewhere and trying to keep a year worth of expenses in cash since I’m just surviving and can’t afford piling in and having it go wrong. I’m down to the backup plan :/

Metals flash crashed overnight

Kodak up 25% on huge volume the day before Trump announces they are pivoting to drug ingredient manufacturing. Up 571% after the announcement. Jared and co laughing their way to the bank I’m sure.


I think theres a lot of program trading on metals.

I’m sure the Barr DOJ will get to the bottom of this Boiler Room pump and dump scam.