Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

That’s the guy who idolized Hitler, right?

He’s levelling.

Yeah he’s a crazy ultra-left anarchist guy. Or communist. I forget. And he’s always posting super-ironically. But I think he does have an obsession with Hitler.

It’s funny because I always picture Slater actually posting and thinking that stuff.


iirc almost everything he writes is a level and his commitment to his craft is exemplary.


My take on that guy has always been that he has an IQ of about 180 and is equally likely to be a famous comedian or legit homeless person.


I am sort of amused by AC Slater and Luckbox trading notes on the Illuminati and the 13 families and whatnot. AC seems to have done his homework to take on this role, although the antisemitic undertones of it all are pretty gross.

I’ve got Enron on hold on the other line.

Its been 3 weeks and no adjustment so ummmm guess I got $1100 for free from capital one?

Also my wife (and me I guess…) learned the hard way that just because you make a big one time payment against your mortgage principal doesn’t mean they won’t expect you to pay your monthly minimum as well :expressionless:

Their revenue from credit sales is driven by other automakers’ regulatory position, not their own sales of cars.

EDIT: If you want an obvious accounting gimmick, the revenue from self-driving seems like a better candidate.

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Well yeah. Prepayments on your mortgage aren’t a favor to the bank, you’re just reducing the amount of interest they collect. If anything your mortgage provider is motivated to punish you for prepayment.

Slater is a goddamn treasure

Actually, my favorite thing about the TSLA discourse is how all the Tesla bear cases are actually just bull cases, except you use Ctrl-F to replace “long-term value” with “pump”:

Tesla is such a fraud! Even when there’s an economic downturn, they can clock a profit because all of their competitors are totally reliant on fossil fuel technologies that are destroying the planet, and they need to either completely abandon their existing businesses or else keep paying Tesla hundreds of millions of dollars every year. This stock is going to zero!

Where is the SEC on Tesla?? Instead of using the high share price as an excuse to go on a reckless acquisition spree, lolon Musk is staying focused on the company’s core business and promoting incentive alignment by compensating management with equity. #TSLAQ

TSLA’s share price is out of control! The company now qualifies to be included in the S&P500 index, which will greatly increase the pool of capital that it can draw on and provide better liquidity for existing shareholders. What a pump!

I’m getting tempted to put some money an in inverse nasdaq etf. I assume those exist.

This is how I blow all my gains.

Why just go inverse Nasdaq when you can go 3X inverse Nasdaq? SQQQ up 8.5% today. :smile:

I think that one is literally how I blew a lot of my gains after the financial crisis. I swore to never do that again. If you just go with cash or stonks (mostly stonks unless black swan shit is happening) your long term risk is capped at just missing out on gains. Probably.

Where is that blog post equating inverse ETFs to “INSANE MONEY INCINERATOR!!”?

Tsla down 13% since earnings. Robinhooders on suicide watch.

Options are better than both of these things, right?

Can’t do options in an IRA. Don’t really want to mess with them either. But I also shouldn’t mess with inverse ETFs.