Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Sounds like one of the members of Portnoy’s army of day traders. Stocks only go up, ldo.

I don’t know finance much at all but I’ve just got the weird feeling that the longer we dodge the downturn the worse it’ll be when it comes. Like they’re doing everything possible to prop up the market until the election but when it goes boom its going to go boom really, really badly.


Wow government/fed really can’t tolerate one bad day. Have to release something good for the people! Crazy. Can’t wait to see the bump the completely rigged stress tests give the market.

I have a hot take: banks will be fine. They’ve raised/retained a shit ton of capital and regulators have (gasp) actually done a good job making sure they are adequately capitalized for catastrophic market conditions. Also, credit discipline is miles better than immediately prior to the GFC.

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The stress test made all the banks lose 1-3% after close. It’s the FDIC bullshit that gave them a boost.

Oh really, I thought there was barely any after market movement so assumed the results hadn’t been announced. That surprises me but really nothing should.

Not sure how many read about wirecard in the last few days.

Just to recap, last week auditors didnt sign off on their balance sheet because about 2 billion weren’t accounted for. So they had to postpone the release of their business report for the 3rd time which sent the stock down the drain. Last week it was worth about 100€ now its a little over 2€.
The Financial Times published articles which questioned the business of wirecard in 2019 but still people bought the stock.

So my question is: If you are pretty sure that something shady is going on and kinda expect(gamble on) that they had to postpone the release again how would you try to take advantage of that without risking your own livelyhood?
Apparently the office that controls the financial sector already prohibited the shorting of the wirecard stock after the FT articles last year. But lets assume this would have been still an option as well.

I basically agree with this. I think the systemic risks have been moved to the balance sheets and valuations on publicly traded companies. Commercial real estate mortgages and CLO’s are the only real systemic risks I see for the banks, and I really doubt either of those is a big enough problem that the discount window can’t cover it.

I can’t bring myself to pull a substantial amount of money out of the market entirely, but today and yesterday I sold a pretty decent amount of index funds and bought Berkshire. I have absolutely no idea how the aggregate market can be priced like this at the same time that Berkshire’s constituent parts are apparently much less valuable?

Rational me really having a tough time dealing with emotional me.

No… the market is not very efficient. Prices are set based on what people will pay for them rather than what they are even aproximately worth. The global financial markets are more out of whack than the odds on Mayweather vs Mcgregor 1 were.

Your emotional self is telling you that what your eyes are showing you is impossible because of the efficient market hypothesis. The rational you is screaming at the emotional you that something very definitely doesn’t look right about this. The rational you is 100% correct here.

BSET had declined since I bought it, but it shot up 9.84% today with like 10x the normal volume. So +2.6% overall on it, now, and it’s kind of exciting knowing someone is making big moves here for it to move that much in one day without any news/announcements. Earnings due Tuesday.

Going to cash out everything I own and buy this. (A) convince me I’m wrong or (B) make partnership offers

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I will contribute if it means New Zealand will let me in now.


Yeah, I’ve got like 10K left, so I’ll take an Eighth of an acre at the end of town and operate a hitching post

I can’t afford to contribute but I’m willing to livecam on pornhub for a place to live.

Anyone have any suggestions on stocks to buy puts on with a lot of exposure in:

Arizona, Florida, Texas, Nevada, South Carolina, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, or Georgia?

I’ve already got Disney puts that I’ve been in for a little while, feels like Orlando entertainment stocks and Vegas casinos are already pretty beat up. I’m struggling to figure out a way to capitalize off of this with puts on other companies, as most of the businesses hit the hardest are not publicly traded.

But it seems like knowing these states are all about to tip over, including some that aren’t getting as much news coverage, should lead to some extremely profitable opportunities with options.

Draft Kings if sport is cancelled?

Yeah my buddy mentioned that. I’m a little concerned because they are apparently doing a lot of business off eSports, but when the NBA gets cancelled (which feels inevitable to me), they have to take a big hit right?

What’s Draft Kings’ overhead though - some office space? They can always lay off a bunch of tech bros then hire them back or get new tech bros.

Low overhead but they are already up 300%ish since start of April. I would think some fall is in there if risk of cancellation/further delay of leagues is likely.