Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

So I’m pretty sure the Dow futures since Sunday at 6 PM went from down 500 to up 600 to back down 150. And we still have a couple of hours until the open so who knows what else will happen.

There was a lot of this among indexers in 2008 as well.

Here comes the dip after the new deaths in washington. Down 300 points in the last half hour

Mooned into close, up 3%, virus over

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4% now. Woof. I almost bought at the open but got busy and forgot. Oh well.

Thank you Mike Pence for single handedly ending the pandemic


Prayers made, prayers answered.

This is why one does not try to time the market

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Thank you, working hard

Looks like mega volatility is the new normal.

Or why you should try to time the market? Someone who sold before last week and bought back at the end of the week is way ahead. The lesson is don’t get your timing wrong.

So that money I sold out of MSFT and AMZN to buy some BRKB is still in pending mode.

This is not an IRA but a normal brokerage account with fidelity and it still takes forever to clear a trade so you can do something with the money. Totally fair game to be up against people who can execute trades in nanoseconds (not that I plan to be a day trader).

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Dead cat bounce yo, we haven’t seen the bottom yet


Nobody knows anything. Set your asset allocation based on your willingness and need to take risk, and then do nothing. Tax loss harvest and rebalance annually. Every available piece of data supports this approach.


I also have a Fidelity brokerage account. If you go to “trading profile” and sign up for “Limited Margin,” you will be able to use pending cash from a sale to immediately buy something else, without having to wait 24 hours for the first transaction to clear.

Yup. If this dip makes you want to shift more to bonds, then do that. But don’t shift back once you’re comfortable with the markets. So you’re comfortable with both the returns in good markets and the risks in bad markets.

Since this didn’t faze me at all and I’m already at 100% equities I’m probably going to just pile into a 2x leveraged small cap value fund and leave it there.

I still think this market is ripe for tanking over the coming weeks to couple of months. If it does, I’ll be buying into it hard. At current valuations I’m hanging where I’m at.

If they pump this market with liquidity and run it back up to the highs I’m using the opportunity to go to something like 30/70.

I held through 2000 and 2008 no problem at 80/20, but I’m nearly certain we are in for a world of pain over the next few months once the economic data starts coming in and we all start socially distancing due to the virus so the service sector also tanks.

I will post my moves so you can all laugh at me in 6 months.

The insanity of the market swinging 700 points in less than a minute cant be good for the market right? What is this, bitcoin?

Lol efficient markets. If all it takes to juice the market is a rate cut, why not just always cut rates! I have never seen a “well eventually they can’t cut anymore and will have no tool to fight a recession” sell off.