Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

And the 10 year treasury is at 1.21%. Which means bond yields are gone. There’s nowhere to hide.

Stocks, bonds, gold, silver, bitcoin all big red

If the Dow hits 24,000 today I’m shifting from 50:50 to 60:40. Didn’t think this would come so fast, but it’s actually possible to happen today as real panic is starting to set in based on browsing around on a couple of forums this morning.

But you haven’t lost anything in the same way you haven’t lost anything when you buy in at the poker table For $1000 and after an hour of a 5 hour session you are down $200.

Anyway, I’m not pretending to be some special person. I don’t look because I know I would react. We are all human.

Thanks I need more specific info though. Specifically the definition of “covered by a retirement plan at work” and how partial year coverage at work affects my status in 2020.

I won’t do it, but it seems like a fantastic time to buy Berkshire. They have infinity cash and are going to be in an incredible position.

I’m afraid of what’s going to happen to Berkshire stock when Buffet dies. Could you imagine if he died or even had to step down due to illness in the midst of this current panic?

So there goes the thesis that Bitcoin would be a safe haven if a global catastrophe wiped out the market.

I really don’t think his death will tank the stock. The principles (always keep tons of liquidity, hire good managers and leave them alone, incentives matter) are well known and their competitive advantage is durable and unique.

Plus his right hand guy has been deeply involved forever.

Buffet dying/stepping down has been baked into the price for years.

Last I read (which was a while ago) the successor will be one two people and both have excellent track records themselves.

Jesus down another 2.3% already.

There will be an early/midday bounce, but yeah we will be nearing 24 by eod

His right hand guy is also 6 years older than he is so they’ll most likely die within a few years of each other.

Yeah if it’s anything like the last couple of Friday afternoons.

Seriously. It’s straight cash homey.

Be strong, don’t do it.

If the investment was up 200%, then you lost an additional 12% to taxes from selling it. :frowning: (Unless maybe it was in an IRA?)

That seals it, 0.8% 10 year yields incoming