Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Offered on a new (different) house. Major lowball with lots of favorable contingencies for us. We shall see.


Analysts predicted a decline of 8% and got a decline of 8.7%. Writers saying they were shocked about that is sensationalism


Wondering whether to buy more SPY puts right now. Society finally seems to be waking up to the fact that this is not a 1-2 month disruption before business as usual.

Plus a lot of wallstreetbets bros have been posting their busto screenshots on reddit so a lot of the dumb money has probably been short squeezed into oblivion. I own a lot of May and June puts and buy more every day the market rallies and sell some every time the market tanks over the last week and a half during this rally. So far I’m down but I tend to agree that reality is setting in for most at this point or will be soon.

Who knows. I’ve learned the hard way (so far, if dow drops below 21.5 I’m happy) that it might be better to just hold and buy the massive dip.

I agree things will be totally fucked but probably too early to buy puts. The boomers in charge of everything are going to be in total denial until reality smacks them in the face.

Edit: And by reality I don’t mean, oh shit, we have another two week shutdown and another one and another one. I mean that business X that I invested in/lent money to is going to go insolvent before they have a chance to recover and/or it’s business model is permanently fucked.

After hours markets pumping on this Trump plan to reopen? Amazing.

They seem to have priced in 22 million job losses while also skyrocketing up this month.

Its weird my etf saving plan is already up again from being down 20% and thats with skyrocketing unemployment numbers in the USA.

You haven’t heard the good news? Well me neither but apparently everybody else out there has.


Futures +2.6 per IG. 1.5 hours after close?! So my dow bear fund (traded in Australia) will open -5 despite an +0.13 overnight result. lol

I think I need to unload my AMZN - this is getting into some mania territory. $1.2T market cap.

Must be Day 15?

Or infrastructure week?

Actually most of the pump seems to be from a leak of the Remdesivir “study” that got leaked. I am super shocked to find out this study has no control group.

GILD +15% AH.

Now that I have a clue what “opening back up” is going to look like, I have a plan. I’m going to stay in the market until the first sign opening back up is gonna not work out so well - IE cases start ramping up again.

If that happens, which it probably will, I’m out. There could be some more euphoria until then though I suspect. But all this doom and gloom maybe won’t hit home to people until that happens. Or maybe a miracle comes and summer + masks + everything else we’re doing knocks it down to almost nothing.

My working theory though is that we probably won’t get another big downswong until the open up plan starts to go sideways.

My theory is by the time we get a drop the DOW is already at record highs!

Amazon is right now.

It makes me wonder what wall street thinks the fair value of the DOW was before this (in hindsight). 35000?