Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Same, I was really hoping to give them direct deposit info in past so that it could come in faster… but mostly so I don’t have to get a check with the fuhrer’s signature on it.

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You guys are getting paid?

Why wouldn’t we be? This is the one-time stimulus check that goes to everyone under a certain income threshold.

Too much humblebragging itt.

Debs would be $ad

Drinks are on WookieWarbucks over there.

Its a meme :expressionless: I’m somewhat surprised at the # of people here who qualify though.


I dunno how much people are bragging and how much they’re confessing that they suck at working the system. But if you’re self-employed, keep in mind that the cutoff is based on AGI and there are avenues available to significantly reduce one’s AGI as a self-employed filer.

Granted, they may not be worth $1200 to some. As someone who already wanted to (and did) put a bunch of money into a SEP-IRA for 2019, it aligned perfectly well with my goals/plans.

This gonna get ugly with limited ability to not balance budget and high fixed obligations from employees, pension, maintenance and such.

The feds are going to have to bail out the state and local governments. That’s painfully obvious. They’re going to need as much money as the business community just about.

The loss of revenue alone would make this into a massive crisis for state/local government… but IRL they are of course facing massive extra costs on top of that.

I think I posted this earlier, but earlier today I read that tons of people cannot get anywhere with this. (My response to you was to a different question strictly about 2018 AGI versus 2019 AGI and no clawback,)

Not everyone is a software developer. We’re lucky to be in a highly paid field.

Be very wary if your executives spontaneously announce a pay cut.

My buddy works for Hallmark. A month ago the executives announced a 20% pay cut. Today they announced employees get a 10% pay cut and no 401k match.

Executives aren’t putting off those vacation house renovations w/o taking a lot of skin out of their employees to go along with it.

Gotta work on ramping up their COVID card portfolio.

“It’s your B-day, sorry for the social distancing”

“I heard you caught a bit of the COVID. Get well soon!”

Correct, it’s pretty much a :lock:

A spokesperson for the Treasury Department said the “Payment Status Not Available” message means the IRS cannot determine eligibility, which could be caused by not filing a tax return in either 2018 or 2019. Taxpayers might also receive the error if they recently filed their tax return and it hasn’t been fully processed, according to the spokesperson.

Or apparently it could be caused by some other fuck up since I filed 2018 (and made a fat payment electronically via my bank) and have not yet filed 2019, so that return is not in process for me.

Is it just a silly headline that has no basis in reality for why the market dropped today? Or where market movers actually shocked at a -9% drop in retail spending for march?

If it is the latter then shits gonna drop so freakin far over the next couple months as these “shocking” numbers come out.

Yeah for some reason CNBC feels the need to explain every market movement so people don’t panic or something. My favorite it “profit taking”. Ok.

I’m sure they’re already planning the “Fuck You Blue States, Here’s Your Money Alabama Red States Bailout Act.”

Don’t worry though, Chuck and Nancy won’t stand for that. They’ll make them change it to “Screw you,” before they give a bipartisan vote in the name of civility.


Eh. This has the potential to be the biggest cut to school/prison/police/fire/road funding in living memory. There’s no possible way for Chuck and Nancy to allow that to happen politically. It’s in the same category of negative impacts as allowing every business in the country to fail.

Not everything they aren’t going to be able to pay for is going to be blue state stuff IMO. First responders and teachers have political clout… and a big infrastructure bill is one of the very few things I’m absolutely certain will happen if not in 2020 very early in 2021. For stimulus if nothing else.