International Soccer: POCH

Intentionally biting a player is a straight red.

Kicking a player in the head while already on a yellow, could’ve been a 2nd yellow.

High knee into a player’s head, knocking him out.

Take your pick.

Missed that and that seems like a red

solid call by the linesman

Would have been the goal of the tournament so far.

I wish :relaxed:


I haven’t watched football in years, why does the linesman wait a million years to raise the flag there?

point is to let the play go so that they can look at it at VAR

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Because if its not offside they want the play to continue, it’s been that way after VAR was introduced

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Hopefully no more recklessness from zee Germans with someone sane coming on.


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holy shit that speed

Pogba caught showboating.

bruh that’s a pk does not get ball first from behind. foul literally anywhere else on the field, soccer rules are dumb

That’s a challenge


look super off live

replay confirms, not particularly close, come on AR

It’s offside

I hope you’re waving your baguette around now like a good patriot.

Edit: disallowed again!

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This is actually the first game I’ve watched while French, got naturalised last week. No baguette though.