International Soccer: POCH

Nah cool man I don’t doubt ya

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Great finish

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Gotta figure out if I get points for own goal in DraftKings.

I swear the best way for something to happen in a game is to have me step away for a minute

Ok I’ll take the better player

Messi is what Scots see as the ultimate player, the ones who can dribble are who we have an affection with.

I suppose its also why I like R7, he’s different and produces magic we don’t see here :grin:

Had buddy place this for me before the game. HOLD plz.

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The halftime show seems a bit weird when the helicopter guy falls from the sky, luckily he’s OK :face_with_hand_over_mouth: with a bit of a sore bum.


Now here’s a man who knows what he’s doing.


LOL what the hell is that?

I hope your not watching atm, the last 5 mins is :see_no_evil:

loris took that ball the wrong way, should have slid on the other leg/shoulder.

germany deserves at least a point

It should be 3-2 atm with Frances chances though

that’s a much nastier challenge on replay vs live.

It’s wreckless for sure but who wouldn’t be after that ball

and I’m sorry, there’s zero percent chance you can medically clear him to play right now.

Germany deserve to be playing with 9 or 10.

the red for the lack of consent and then… that challenge? would disagree on the latter tbh. even the former would be pretty weak.


2 yellows at most by our retired TV PL Referee