International Soccer: POCH

Hopefully we see a wee shock here, com’on Macedonia :sweat_smile:

I can’t decide what my favorite England soccer tournament outcome is:

  1. Immediately overmatched, manager fired.
  2. Early win against weak opponent gets hopes up, then Germany stomps them.
  3. Early win against strong opponent gets hopes way, way up, then German stomps them.

They’re all good.


I thought the Euros featured good teams

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holy shit this is a fucking awful first 13 minutes

Österreich uber alles

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Increasing the Euro to 24 teams was a bad idea.


Hopefully the Dutch can produce a few goals tonight and show their class and I can enjoy some decent goals with my curry.

If they shoot as well as they dive it could be 4-0 easily.


For who?

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Sorry man

Hopefully the games improve, I’ve never know a major championship to get off to a decent start, there’s always some dodgy games… It should get better in the 2nd games after the nerves disappear

More soccer > less soccer, it’s not like every game was great when there were less teams either. Greece was super annoying and shit when they won for example. Shit teams can be a lot of fun too.

Not only nerves but caginess. Most teams will be sent out with the instruction to win their first game if they can but not to take on too great a risk of losing. A draw still leaves things wide open but a loss means do or die.

Agreed… Its even worse with the bigger teams, as they like to conserve energy and avoid any early injuries.

My lot are famous for losing their 1st game no matter the opposition & picking up an injury or 2 :sweat_smile:

Good save there, this game seems to be lively :+1:

Happy that 2 of my 3 picks won their first games for once. :grinning:
France still to play.

Italy/Belgium was a good bet though :blush::blush::blush: