International Soccer: POCH


But knowing you’ll take it, lol.

Man I don’t know if it’s the hot weather sapping my energy, but this game was seriously dull to watch. I was nodding off at times.

England’s roster is so deep, will be interesting to see how they manage minutes.

Croatia is old/slow and England outside of the first 20 were very slow in their attacking. England was fine just having the ball and Croatia don’t have the legs or depth to press.

wow England had never won an opening game? That’s nuts to me

It was boring but England opening games often are. MOTM was a defensive MF says it all.

Feel so bad for the knee boo’ers that a black player scored.

In the Euros.

Are you intending to keep trolling like this for the whole tourny?

Is it coming home yet?

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Believe it or not jal I’m legitimately surprised that England had never won an opening game in the euros. I’m just trying to enjoy the euros, you should do the same.

That’s what you get for listening to the old enemy

You shouldn’t be so surprised if you think for a moment about what losing your opening game means.

It’s sterling that the goalscorer could cause some hurt/controversy down there today

xG 1.3 - 0.3

ZZZ kinda game

England have never done much at the Euros. Even in 1996 they were lucky to get to the semis (Spain had a perfectly good goal wrongly called offside, wouldn’t happen today with VAR).

Tbh I’ve got nothing, no real shots if any from the Croatia team, no real pressure no fight tbh, just pure pish.

No doubt they’ll turn it up for hampden, but tbh we’ve got the beating of them I think.

oh I’m aware of England’s history at the euros (and WC, EASY is one of my favorite memes), but there’s been a lot of euros and England is generally not a terrible team. Fuck dudes it surprised me, and jal is reacting like I insulted his mother. Weird dude. Apparently I need to brush up on my England NT trivia to avoid offending jal.

I was at that game and spent most of it shitting myself every time the Spanish left winger (or offensive nearside crosser as Ikes would probably have it) ran at Neville.

I don’t remember the deathstrike moment but TV viewers would have had a much better view of it.

So I found these tweets super interesting. They’re replays of El Salvador’s goals in a game against the USA and show how crazy crowds can get in away games there.

bananas, there’s a second one in there where a siren is going off the whole time.