International Soccer: POCH

1st 5 mins was OK… The rest was pretty meh, let’s hope Croatia can at least get into the penalty box for a dive/deflection/dud shot or whatever as long as it hits the back of the net.

Mind you another boring 45 mins might also be OK for us. :zzz:

Fold’n should have scored mind you, I though it was definitely hitting the Croatia keeper and going in… :see_no_evil:

It’s never called, but the Croatian defender gets zero touch on the ball, clatters through Kane, who misses the shot because of it. That should be a pk. The whole you can do anything to someone as long as they get a shot away is one of the weirder rules in soccer.

I dunno, even the commentators on the beep said it was an excellent block and the reply seemed to confirm that and no-one seems to be complaining about it apart from some USA dude

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commentators said something about a block here too but there was no actual touch on the ball that I could see. goal kick called.

That’s because no angle has been shown yet that’s a clear cut view, but you do you.

They showed four different replays man. None of them shows a touch, goal kick called. Come on.

It’s not a big deal. That kind of play is never called. I just find the de facto rule weird.

Huh? They showed like 3 replays on the feed.

Non of them shown here showed a clear cut view and I’ll take ferdinands/Lampards & linkers view over yours any day of the week


There was no obstructed view, all were super clear. As said, it’s never called a penalty and that’s the entire point being made.

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You’ll take a view from 60 yards away over 3 or 4 different angles of close up replays. Well, “you do you” then

Kind of a shit game tbh.

I seen 2 replays, 1 from the side and one from the other side at an angle, non were clear cut to me and hearing the views of the commentators was pleasant.

I must have been typing here when the clear view was shown and even then its still not a penalty as by the rules so what’s CN on about again?

Are you saying it’s a penalty too?

Croatia are just old/slow now. No mandzukic or rakitic and everyone else is 3 years older.

No one is saying it’s a penalty bro. It’s just weird that the de facto rule is that you can clatter into someone who takes a shot, and as long as they get a shot off it’s not a foul. People get away with stuff that’s an auto yellow in the midfield as no foul all the time in that situation.

I mean, you were super clear about this and somehow it’s needed like 6 further explanations. Just bizarre.

That’s what I was defending in case it wasn’t clear… Saying the rules should be different is kind of saying “Penalty” if the rules were fair.

Scotland suffer from this a lot and Scottish teams in general get stuffed by this so I can see the point, but ye don’t here me saying everytime there’s a challenge inside the box “penalty” because football is a contact sport, no?

I guess the stones incident should have been a penalty also, lol.

Jesus dude take a lap