International Soccer: POCH

It seems like they only showed her for a second or two. I guess they believed she was another player and cut away when they realized the mistake.

You could of course argue that even showing the players on TV is also bad.

Schmeichel (?) trying to keep her away also seems understandable if you consider that they do not know what is shown on TV. Maybe he wanted to protect her from breaking down on live TV. He is not a medical professional and has most likely never dealt with a situation like this.

I am not saying they made good decisions, but not being prepared for this situation, their decisions seem bad, but not „special place in hell bad“.

you guys are nuts. you have to show the wife. the fans want DRAMA

you cut to the wife, you cut to the fans, you cut to him lying there motionless, eyes open. ratings.

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Both teams “agreed” to play the rest of the match tonight

Lol wait it’s on now. ESPN 2

Great job playing an hour after your teammate almost died

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Russia didn’t take a knee. Heck em

I wonder if they’ll reverse on this now

Terrible penalty call even worse attempt holy shit

Shot attempts: Denmark 20-1
Goals: Finland 1-0

Looks like Denmark can’t Finnish

100% original joke never been made before


Get fucked Russia

Check my stats, what a ride, YOLOOOOOOO

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Canada with a big win @ Haiti 1-0.


Lol didn’t even know that was today, thought it was next month.

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Wait, you’re a Canadian emergency doctor?

Can we start a fire Twellman petition? Is still a thing?

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I like him, what did he do?

I really dislike him, so it’s just a difference of opinion. I feel like he comes across assholish and very pompous while not really contributing a ton of any substance. Most of the stuff he says is either obvious or incorrect, and usually uses a ton of announcer-speak where it’s just vapid bs.

Today he had some really bizarre comments after Eriksen collapsed talking about head injuries, time to CPR, etc. with a ton of speculation by a career soccer player, was just not great. They pulled him for Tim Howard when they came back from commercials


Huh well I didn’t see that. He focuses a lot on head injury stuff because he lost his career to one, and has been a big voice in a push to get soccer to address head injuries better.

Croatia not looking their best today, giving away to many passes and not enough possession.

This could be a long 60 mins more…

At least the old enemy can’t shoot, yet. :expressionless: