International Soccer: POCH

It’s Eriksen, he just collapsed.

I can’t imagine how you care for a cardiac arrest in the middle of a stadium. I’ve done a few in people’s home and that was bad enough.

Omg this is looking bad

Well, no compressions going on at least. That’s probably a good thing.

Damn man. damn.

I know nothing but I was wondering why you don’t immediately get him at least to an ambulance or somewhere where theoretically you have more resources. Does that even matter?

That was terrible to watch.

People are saying UEFA controls the cameras but Jesus christ ESPN should have gone back to studio or something. Fucking showing his wife wearing his jersey on the sidelines in tears obviously.

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Yeah I think there’s one global feed. Was watching some bootleg BBC feed and they showed her as wel.

There’s a concept called the chain of survival in cardiac arrest.

First three priorities are:

  1. Activation of EMS
  2. Early, high quality CPR
  3. Early defibrillation

Anyone can do all three of these things basically anywhere. This is one of the few times where seconds literally matter. It’s best to do those things where you are if at all possible. All the other parts of a cardiac arrest have no proven mortality benefit. The fancy airways, medicines, etc all don’t have a measurable effect compared to those three. It’s also extremely difficult to do compressions while moving someone.

Doing CPR on the field and not immediately transporting was 100% the right thing to do.

IMO everyone should take a CPR class. Bystander CPR has saved more than one of my patients.


edit: I’m not sure about this picture

If he truly was awake as he was getting taken off that’s an extremely good sign.

Seems to be a pic going around of him with eyes open, awake, with an oxygen mask on a stretcher. But don’t see it verified anywhere. Nobody in the photo has a mask on.

Edit: my pony is in cardiac arrest.

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Another angle/pic creditors to AFP/Gettys so hopefully this is all legit.

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Was just about to post that the first picture seems legit. Reverse image search showed nothing.

Super super good sign for Eriksen.

Post-ROSC (getting pulses back) care is a super complicated topic, but the first decision point is if the person is awake and following commands. Looks like that’s a yes at this point, and is an extremely good sign.

Yeah, they’re saying he’s stable, so that’s good news

Can’t praise the medics enough. That is the highest of high pressure codes, and there’s no way you’re mentally prepared for such a thing to happen. You have thousands watching you in the stadium and millions on TV.

Honestly, it was probably a simple code that they’ve all done before, but you can’t understate the pressure of that situation. You hope the training kicks in and takes over, but it’s by no means a given. Great fucking work. They’ll remember that for the rest of their lives.


There’s also a special place in hell for the person who:

  1. Showed what was Eriksen’s wife crying on the pitch
  2. Stopped her from going over to him on the field

Agree #1 is rough but I thought #2 was appropriate by his teammates in the moment. It had been like 5 minutes, they’d been right with him, and probably thought he was dead. They didn’t want her seeing that.

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I suppose it could come from a good place, but having family with them as they do CPR is better for everyone involved in the long run. There’s actual evidence on how it positively affects the grieving process. I made a post about bringing in the husband of a patient during a code a few weeks back. It was important.

It’s brutal to do to yourself as a medical provider because it humanizes the person dying in front of you, but it’s the right thing to do.

I have a hard time relating on this one. I know it’s a common sentiment, but I don’t get it. In her shoes I’d want to be seeing whatever is going on. And even if dead, I’d need to see it with my own eyes.

Maybe if it’s some gruesome car accident or something, that’s different.


That’s all fair. I’ve never been in the situation thankfully so I don’t know how I’d react.

We did see her. It’s not like she was being restrained. She knew where he was. I think if she said F all of you I’m going to be next to my husband, she would have been free to.

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Google Translate:

Christian Eriksen is awake and his condition remains stable. He remains hospitalized at Rigshospitalet for further examinations.
The match against Finland will be played tonight. This happens after the players have been confirmed that Christian is okay. The match resumes at 20.30.

Shocked that they are actually finishing on the same day.