Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

The establishment Dems are way to committed to their fantasies of bipartisan West Wing BS to do this. The Republicans will run around screaming about how the Dems refuse to work with them and the media will amplify that. The Dems are too weak to run a counter initiative in the media.

Good morning: Fuck Bret Stephens.


Fuck NYT for publishing him.

The people with power and resources will skate by this coming recession without too much hassle.

Bari Weiss remains the only one of them terrible enough to get booted from the NYT op-Ed page, she must be rather proud of that.

NYT is just a gentler NRO.

Instead, they’re pushing for the biggest expansion of the welfare state since the 1960s, to be financed with the biggest tax increase in decades and to be passed with a three-vote edge in the House and a tiebreaker vote in the Senate on a 100 percent partisan basis. This is not what swing voters had in mind when they elected Biden on his pledge to be a unifier, a compromiser and a moderate.


Awww here it is

There’s a way out of this standoff. Trade a clean vote in the House on infrastructure for Senate Republican support for a debt-ceiling increase, gained by putting the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill on ice. Or simply hold a clean House vote on infrastructure and increase the debt ceiling unilaterally through reconciliation. Then disaggregate the spending bill into separate items of legislation that could be voted on à la carte, according to their merits and political appeal. Let the American people know what’s in this huge legislative burrito. Maybe they’ll find some of it appetizing.

For Biden, it’s a way of realigning himself with the center of the country with a policy win on infrastructure and strengthening moderates of the party with a political win over the left. For the two of you, it’s a chance to be both statesmanlike and politically shrewd.

Hey let McConnell have your one time to do legislation this year and then put the rest of it in different bills all of which Republicans will filibuster and provide Republican with a continuous talking point wins for couple of years.

I like how Stephen’s sole purpose is to troll. Like not even pretend to have anyone but Republicans’ interests in mind


I’m sure Bret would change his tune if 2 or 3 House Rs and 1 Republican Senator voted for the bill, boy would it ever be bipartisan then.

Goddamn it I read this thread again. Why the fuck do I do this?

We’re all idiots for following this in real time. Absolute idiots.


We’re sitting here sweating whether or not dems will do the absolute bare minimum, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be able to get it done. Like we’re not even sweating UHC or student loan forgiveness or UBI or free college. Just fucking awful.


Lol they’re not even trying to give lip service to the public option that Biden campaigned on. Who could have seen it coming.


Pelosi: :thinking:
Manchin: :fu:

You’re making the bold claim that people with tens or hundreds of millions of dollars will be fine? They aren’t part of my calculus because they were never at risk under this system. It’s that the left has a problem of not tuning in or turning out until shit gets really bad. The people who are fine caving to two grifters from their own party after delivering a legislative mandate are too comfortable and don’t have any skin in the game. The kids call that a “tell.” They don’t actually care about disadvantaged groups or progressive causes insofar as it’s pleasant messaging and admirable ideology but way down the priority list in actionable behavior. That’s how we keep getting these awful 11th hour pork burgers where everyone just barely lives to see another day, and I’m way beyond driving the ball to the goal line for them to trot out their status-quo-maintaining kicker.


I’m going to rage if the progs somehow give in with just a deal for some language or some shit, they can’t be that dumb right, right?

Weird that not a single one of them asked “Who’s gonna pay for it?!?” when they set $765 billion on fire for “defense”.


Love the histrionics, but I’m a little hazy on how a self-inflicted recession does anything but fuck over the people on the bottom while the billionaires ride out the storm.

“Think of the little people!” Again, billionaires are not at risk under any circumstance. How are people at the bottom being helped in the current system? By delivering a legislative mandate to the party claiming to represent them and then being asked to pay student loans during a pandemic? Cool story.

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Walk me through how we go from

US defaults —> GND passes

p(GND | systemic shock) / p(GND | status quo) > 1

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Oh boy, more accelerationism to the rescue.