Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Others: Compromise with us!

Progs: We agree, begrudgingly.

Others: Ok, actually let’s change things, how about some more compromise on your part?

Progs: That doesn’t seem fair, so no.

Wheatrich: Silly progs asking for the kitchen sink.


Lol seriously. A they’re asking for is shitlibs bidens deal

Threatening to make sure it doesn’t happen is a strange strategy if you wanted it to happen

but we all know they and you don’t want it to happen you want it all burned to the ground

Threatening to make sure what doesn’t happen?

Lol what. This is ridiculous.

The only reason some Dems in the Senate votes for the bi partisan is because of the deal to pass it with the reconciliation bill.

It’s the right wing democrats who are trying to break the deal so they can pass the bi partisan and then tank reconciliation.

Progressive are the only one with a spine to prevent them from doing it

Just complete nonsense to blame them


I would remind the audience that everyone was very clear the shit sandwich bipartisan bill would not pass without the larger bill going first. They lied. Nancy Pelosi lied. You will see that exactly nowhere in any mainstream coverage. Instead you’ll see “progressive democrats blocking your roads and bridges.”


they should just extend it one month at a time for the next 18 months


How has that guy not gone postal. 50 years of this shit.

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Yeah I don’t get it. There was a deal to break this up into two bills for argle bargle bipartisanship reasons, but there was an explicit deal for democrats to support progressive priorities as part of this process. Now I guess they are just supposed to support the bipartisan bill and trust Joe Manchin and Nancy Pelosi to work in good faith on a huge progressive bill? That’s a no for me dog.

They don’t even have to vote no. Just vote present and note the zero Republican votes in the House in favor of this bipartisan achievement.

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Nancy gonna fuck around and find out?

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Bernie has had enough of this shit.



During a private meeting with the president, Sinema made clear she’s still not on board with the party’s $3.5 trillion social spending plan and is hesitant to engage on some specifics until the bipartisan infrastructure package passes the House, according to a person who spoke with her.

This all really might just die this week. Maybe the top post COVID relief accomplishment will just be a clean debt ceiling lift via reconciliation.

That should really rile up the voters to get out and vote blue in the midterms.

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Rooting for a default and massive carnage. Let’s make shit real for people who think this is a game.


“Toss the gun and I’ll hand over the girl.”


Truly puzzling that Spinema’s demands are an exact sequence of operations that leads to zero extra money and the exact outcome her GOP donors want.


No spending for the poors, no tax increases, keep carried interest, and force the Dems to use their 1x/year super move on… something really basic that is always done anyway.

This is why you nuke those 2 scumbags from orbit and don’t let it be the United States of Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema. Because they just make everyone dance with some heeeheee you respect rules and norms shit and then fuck things over anyway. You need deterrence for this kind of sabotage.

Let it burn.

To Wheatrich: uh, you don’t reign them in if you’re Chuck Schumer, they are s a b o t a g i n g. There is no reigning in. This is not some golly gee unluckers whodunnit here.