Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Internet, stand up to them we’re bigger (progs aren’t bigger than pelosi’s block so careful what you wish for on the we’re bigger fuck it stance)

meanwhile in the real world–would you selfish spoiled idiots (all of them are) stop this bullshit and pass something

Watching Schumer speak tilts me more than watching Trump does. The 3 Democratic “leaders” are about 240 combined years old and simply don’t get it.


I don’t even mind if they negotiate something a tag smaller. You know each side getting closer and closer, but the conservative Democrats are not even doing that. The progressives are asking for concrete proposals to potentially negotiate with and the word got out to just bitch at progressives for wanting anything more than the infrastructure bill.

Basically conservatives get to chutzpa it, ask progressives to help get the bill through the senate, then demand the infrastructure bill be passed first, and then draw out the reconciliation bill so they can turn public opinion against progressives for being ungrateful for asking for anything to all.

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It is legit astounding just breaking the filibuster for even this narrow purpose is not even on the table. Instead they’re just going to do their usual thing where they relentlessly shit on members of their own party. Fuck off.

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Maybe it’s just kayfabe? Like, oh I didn’t want to break the filibuster but the progressive Dems made me do it? The progs are setting up the perfect cover for Biden to nuke it.

What is “The media’s line towarda the progs during this?”

It’s all kafaybe alright, but the goal is to use process and complexity to allow the radical self anointed moderates the ability to kill popular policy while disguising the fact that they are corrupt corporate whores…… with an assist from the corporate media, of course.


If you had to choose which beliefs are true and which ones aren’t, which would it be, devotion to the filibuster or giving more money to poor people and taxing the rich more?

They’re going to bitch at progressives that they’re wanting too much that it’s all pie in the sky lefty stuff that doesn’t reflect reality, that the infrastructure bill is actually progressive so they should just take the W on the infrastructure bill, etc

People in the real world want actual meaningful help, not just “pass something.”

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Mitch played this one masterfully.

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It’s an easy hand to play.

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This was the actual exchange, still doesn’t seem good, like just say “all options are on the table”

From 2019

Smartest people in the room

they’re so fucking stupid

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for all the angst at chuck, idk how you corral this bunch. You got people doing their own shit waffling/grifting whatever, then you got well we don’t have to do anything R’s will just come around people, progs demanding everything and the kitchen sink, Chuck might well be top 10 in the senate and none of us have any idea because outside of just yelling at them until they do what he says, which probably won’t work on actual adults I got nothing.

Chuck sucks because he doesn’t instantly spin everything as the fault of Republicans.