Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

The media is so fucking stoked they get to hammer progressive and blame them for everything despite the deal clearly bring both at the same time and it’s a bill from shitlibs like Biden.

Progressive already compromised from 6 trillion.
. honestly our biggest enemy for change is the media

whoops my fault thought thats where I was posting feel free to move

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I moved 23 posts from the “LOL Dems” thread to this one, apologies for any weirdness that may have caused.

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Like toddlers

Can’t Manchin & Sinema just name their price and collect their payoff? I don’t get what more they’re angling for.

40+ racist senators dragging progress to a standstill isn’t bad enough, now it’s just 2 absolute dimwits.

If they do this everyone will just rightfully say “why didn’t you do that from the start.”

Mechanism and pathway fowrard still unclear, she adds.

Pssst. It rhymes with Puke the Milliduster.

Of course, Leader Schumer doesn’t have the votes for the Democrats to go it alone.

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Manchins 1st choice appears to be to nuke the BBB altogether, jam the infrastructure bill through, and, if that bill somehow dies now, instead use bipartisan magic to kumbaya the bill through in 2022. His 2nd choice appears to be wanting a pro fossil fuels bill.

I dont exactly know how to pay those off. Manchin already has many grifts set up, not sure he is looking for a specific grift on this one.

If it were that simple, they would have been paid by now.

House budget committee chairman currently shitting all over progressives on MSNBC. This will be non stop.

The easiest pathway is using the one reconciliation bullet on a debt ceiling increase and foregoing it’s use on anything else until 2022. Progressives should just tank everything and force a default if that’s what Manchin is aiming for.

The problem with this is progressives actually care about people and the ones who will be hurt most by a default are poor and minorities.

Progressives need to learn how to shoot the hostage.

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This is unrelated but tangential to the thread.

My buddy just had one of his bank accounts drained by the Franchise Tax Board of California. The bank took $105 for their efforts.

The only reason my buddy knew this happened was because he bought something using his bank account and it got denied for insufficient funds.

The next day he calls the FTB asking why this has happened. They say they sent him notice of an audit back in March that recalculated his 2017 taxes and said he owed $1800.

Here’s the thing. My buddy paid this immediately. He calls the FTB and they tell him to send in the canceled check. After some digging around on their end, the customer service agent at the FTB discovers a record that his check has been received and cashed, but hasn’t been credited to his account. She said that the FTB is seven months behind in “crediting” accounts, even though they cash the checks.

So to recap, if the FTB tells you that you owe money and you pay them by check , they will cash the check but not credit your account, then take the money from your bank account six months later with interest plus bank fees with no notice. They will refund your money if you agree to set up a $60/month repayment plan on money that you have already paid but the $105 bank fee plus another $25 bank fee for replacing the funds, well good luck with that.


Ha, yeah, they mis taxed me for a smallish amount in a past year (like $300 or something) and was just easier to pay it than fight with them and deal with all that.

No number yet, still plenty of time until Thursday to write a bill!

Then they are not progressives. They are conservatives.

Something needs to give. I don’t think they should purposely tank, but try to get the reconciliation bill tied to the debt ceiling raising so either manchin and cinema pass it or the country tanks…

They should be willing to go all the way. They can’t keep getting bullied by the moderate. Their group is way bigger

If they don’t, then they are losers.

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