Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

i dunno, seemed like gave up a lot less than obama’s cuts, a lot of cuts are backloaded, subject to like 3 different congresses to make go away. snap eligibility is going to hurt, but even that is phased, and going to get worked around with agency rules.

This is locking in 1% across the board cuts when they don’t pass all of the appropriations bills later this year. Not sure if that includes defense or not but if it does I’m sure they’ll find a way to carve that out while locking in the rest of the cuts.

It’s going to be hilarious if the Republican house sticks to “give us everything we want or we default”. Let’s see how popular that is with their base the moment they are even slightly inconvenienced.

Also, with the talk of defaulting, since interest on bonds is such a trivial portion of government spending, do we ever really default? Isn’t just like people stop getting paid? (Military/Doctors/Olds) ?

i read an opinion that the debt limit is suspended for a 1.5 years, rather than extended. it’s basically like there is no debt limit for that time. an interesting detail, maybe biden and yellen got a little more room

Biden should introduce a federal debt forgiveness plan


you realize that when you stop paying your student loans tha the doe dosen’t even have to take you to court. they can garnish your pay/pilfer your bank accounts etc. without a court order. you’re better off not making mortgage payments imo.

Thinking no


No. I will be blissfully ignorant. Client is on the hook financially, not me.

My understanding is that if the debt ceiling is reached and we want to go the 14th amendment route, Janet Yellen just keeps paying the bills and racking up debt, and someone would have to challenge her right to do that in court. In which case this fucking SCOTUS likely rules that she must abide by the debt ceiling and then who the fuck knows what after that.



Looks like it will pass, Sanders says he is a no in the senate. I assume Warren will follow suit. Do they need 50 or 60 to pass the senate?

They have plenty of votes but jerkoffs like Mike Lee are trying procedural stunts

Passed the House 241-187.

Is that the vote on the rules of debate or the bill itself?


To what extent are these the same?

Ime often a procedural or rules vote is the vote. Not explicitly but jt is one of the ways the US system obscures what is happening.

Anybody got any live video? Im having trouble finding it.