Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Does anybody actually care about this?

The media cares about it and may give him more favorable coverage because of it.


That makes sense.

hahahaha sure jan

Did you happen to find anything out about how a default would impact international travel? We leave for Colombia on the 8th.

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Dems get the continued functioning of the US government, but that really ought to be something everyone want.

I was more referencing ā€œthe Dems are in on itā€ meme, and that many dem Congress people probably want cuts to services too so rich people can stay rich.

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This thing has nowhere near the number of votes needed to pass the House (and that assumes it even makes it out of committee). Progressive Democrats are not voting for this and so far exactly zero Republicans are for it, and its somehow going to pass?

Gonna have to let John Roberts vote since his vote counts for 218.


Is this version still going to fuck over student loans or did we get past that bullshit

Is this what happened or did he just luck out?

It ends the pause

Congress critters are weirdos. On literally any debt ceiling deal, the default stance of a R would be Vote No, Hope Yes. So then it becomes a big game as to which Rs are going to actually have to ā€œtake the Yes voteā€ on a bill that 99% of them actually want to pass.

So wouldnā€™t assume Maceā€™s No vote necessarily means everyone to ā€œher rightā€ is also a No.

Iā€™m pretty confident that if this thing doesnā€™t pass the media will blame the Ds for being irresponsible and voting against it no matter what the final vote count is.

But none of that retroactive interest shit right

If they try to collect retroactive interest I straight up wonā€™t pay it. They can arrest me if they want, but that is insane horseshit even by usa#1 standards.

ā€œWeā€™re pausing payments and dropping interest to 0%, and weā€™re trying to get all of your outstanding balance forgiven. Hold tight for 3 years and make sure you donā€™t pay any of it off in case we can get this done. Phych!!! Now you owe thousands in backdated interest hahaha fuck you!ā€

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Iā€™ve long said literally everyone should just stop paying. As if America is collectively going to stop lending to like 30% of the population. Who cares about your credit score.

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Pipeline company Equitrans Midstream spiked around 40% on Tuesday because the agreement contains a surprising call to speed up the creation of a stalled natural gas pipeline called the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

Equitrans is the lead developer of the pipeline project, known as MVP, which has been championed by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin.

Meanwhile, the debt ceiling deal would shift a total of $20 billion in IRS funding from fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025 to be used in non-defense areas.

That loss of funding to the IRS is a ā€œpositiveā€ for both H&R Block and TurboTax owner Intuit because it lowers the odds the IRS will build an expansive electronic tax filing system, according to BTIGā€™s Boltansky. Earlier this month the IRS released a cost study about developing a free electronic tax filing system and launched a limited pilot program.

Another, Representative Chip Roy, has called the bill a ā€œturd sandwich.ā€


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