Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

I see the fundamental problem here as generational.

These morons still think they can sit down over bourbon and hammer out a deal. These eDem fossils are like any boomer manager: arrogant, short-term focused, highly political, not strategic, and above all unwilling to adjust to a fundamentally different environment.

Look at the quotes from that Nebraska woman, she gets it and every democrat under 40 is desperate for that energy. Alas


I guess we’re not getting the trillion dollar coin either then.

I guess, but even the most addled brained person should know the difference between negotiation and hostage taking. ‘Delicate negotiations’? What are the democrats even negotiating for? The government continues to run? That’s it?

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Democrats never actually fight. Never. Unless they need to nuke a progressive of course. They do their Washington generals bullshit. People under retirement age have finally gotten wise.

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It’s reasonable to believe that using the 14th Amendment or some other trickery will have the same effect as default unless you feel pretty certain that your alternative method will end up being approved by this particular Supreme Court.

I want them to take a hardline stance of clean bill or default, so I don’t care if it blows up, but it is understandable if someone fears what a constitutional crisis might do. The establishment fears that uncertainty, which is why they try so hard to protect the status quo from any anti-establishmentarianism from the left.

It’s all Kabuki Theater.

Same as it ever was.





Remember when Ted walked back calling Jan 6 insurrectionists terrorists on Tucker’s show? Seems like old times

He looks like the PE coach at the assembly waiting to make a quick announcement

Democrats will cave and the GOP knows it. The only question is how much. Sure there will be a lot of crying about the crazy and evil Republicans but they are playing this exactly the way they should to extract the maximum from an overmatched opponent.

Honestly it doesn’t even matter if Democrats are in on it or this fucking incompetent, the result is the same. We are stuck with 10-20 more years of Boomer leadership, do yourself a favor and tune out from politics because it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

I mean you are absolutely right but I doubt any of us will pass up following another 6 year all Trump news cycle that is looking increasingly likely. Mostly becauae we are broken sickos.

Add in the “undecidededs” and these polls are insanely bad for Biden.

These surveys where 60% want Democrats to agree to cuts to pass the debt ceiling go out the window the moment people are effected in real life and then they just want the Republican congress to pass it.

Liberal media outlets are constantly talking about how weak and dumb McCarthy is but he’s out there running circles around Grandpa so what does that say about Biden?

He’s working?

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Let’s sit for a minute and consider the insanity of this. The far right is openly hijacking the global economy, and everyone knows that none of the intellectual thought leaders of the enterprise, the guys holding the metaphorical box cutters, are going to vote for the bounty they receive!

I didn’t make that decision, but clearly that’s where we’re headed. So the question is, what “Dem priorities” are going to be included? If you ask House Republicans, well, none of them. “Asked Tuesday evening what Republicans were offering to get Democratic votes, Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.) gave a brief answer: ‘The debt ceiling,’” Jeff Stein reported in The Washington Post . Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA), who with McHenry is in the negotiating room, agreed. “That’s what they’re getting,” he said.

Indeed, Republicans have rejected numerous tax increases, loophole closures, and increases in drug price reform. They’re not interested in giving an inch, and given that they’ve got the White House to effectively agree that there’s no alternative but a deal, why should they?

But this is an impossible circle to square. Republicans get trillions in spending cuts, Democrats get “the debt ceiling” and nothing else, yet 100 Democrats have to vote for it. That would be political suicide for Democrats with their base