Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

I think I know the other 4 (Bernie/Markey/Fetterman/Welch). Who is the one on the left?

My man Merkley (OR)

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Anyone want a peanut?


It’s not a winning position for the Republicans: “It’s President Biden’s fault that we won’t raise the debt ceiling.”

Too bad Dave got cancelled for that whole misogyny thing:

Ugg, sounds like our only hope is that Republicans overplay their hand and force Biden to do the right thing and not make a deal.


I think they’re going to shoot some hostages. You know, just to show they’re serious.

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Other shutdowns have manifestly harmed republicans. Why is this one going to be different. If everyone believes you are a compromiser (Biden) and you let the other guys follow through on their threat they will be blamed 100% of the time. The right will be stuck the the narrative that Biden is just too tough to strike a deal with.

If Biden were smart he would be chattering about compromise while slow playing and then pull a FU rugpull as the last minute.


He doesn’t have to do that. The right wingers will force extras conditions at the last minute, no matter what. The. He says FU.

What I don’t know, is why isn’t that sweet Soros money running around the clock commercials.


Not new: US Chamber of Congress full of shit.


Lol whether you meant it or not

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How about a little constitutional hardball from the dems for once. The Constitution says some things, the 14th Amendment says some things, how they interface with reality is an open question subject to the Supreme Court. Let the Court decide that Congress must raise the debt ceiling to permit payment of funds it has already appropriated.

Lol, took me a while to see it. Them too.

Chamber of Commerce: slightly less of a total sham than the Better Business Bureau, but only slightly.


The executive can’t create credit that Congress hasn’t authorized to cover the spending that Congress has authorized.


But Biden advisers have told progressives that they see it as a poor option overall, fearing such a move would trigger a pitched legal battle, undermine global faith in U.S. creditworthiness and damage the economy. Officials have warned that even the appearance of more seriously considering the 14th Amendment could blow up talks that are already quite delicate.

I’m having a hard time interpreting this as anything other than standard cowardice.