Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Public sentiment will change really fast when you stop paying people, close the national parks and start delaying social security payments.

“Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reach a deal. I now ask that Congress passes a naked debt ceiling increase and we can have further debate on these important issues at the appropriate time during budget negotiations. The deadline has passed. We are beyond the point of negotiation. At this point, the republicans in congress are committing financial terrorism on the American people by not passing a debt ceiling increase on already agreed upon spending”


Republican president - Spend unlimited money frivolously on wars and tax cuts for the rich.

Democrat president - Austerity! We are fiscally responsible Republicans, we must hold the Democrats feet to the fire.


My blood is seriously boiling over this bullshit.

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How many of the progressives need to go along here. Means testing food stamps is a terrible precedent.

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If not means testing, what’s YOUR solution for the widespread scourge of Welfare Queens that are selfishly consuming all of the food? Have you noticed that your food prices have gone up a lot? That’s the Welfare Queens!


Another WSJ piece has details on changes to the work requirements.

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Fucking ridiculous.


I assume we are talking the student loan pause here? LOLBiden LOLDems.

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“Two sides of same team reach landmark agreement on best way of continuing to beat their collective opponent”


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The US Chamber of COMMERCE. I’ve long wondered what % of the US public thinks the Chamber of Commerce is a govt entity.

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I thought it was well into my 20s.

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I bet you can’t guess where spending wasn’t cut!

OK, I guess it turns out you can.

But ACTUALLY, a 3.2% increase in military spending is really a decrease because of inflation, and China wins.

Lindsey Graham warns Kevin McCarthy on debt ceiling deal: 'Biggest winner of Biden defense budget is China' | Fox News

Just a random thought I’ve had rolling around in head during the debt limit crisis is how little the media and the dems didn’t ask about reps or to reps a) do they think a default is serious? and to your post b) why are they trying to help China by having the USA default?