Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

That would require some level of desire or competence.


The hostages are the real terrorists


Sweat increases

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yay!. Suppose to travel to India in early June. What could go wrong with getting back into the country. Flying into JFK.

I hope they send my tax refund before the money runs out.

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I wonder how similar it would be to a government shutdown. We’re doing a road trip across the northern US in mid-June, planning to visit Yellowstone and a couple other parks. :rage:

Offer McCarthy Democratic votes on any motion to vacate, with no policy concessions.


whether it’s constitutional or not, what are they going to do if yellen just … issues new debt?

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Companion article to that one. They went deep into the playbook to pull out this Hail Mary option.

The cliffs on this is that there is some mechanism whereby a clean debt limit increase can be brought to the floor and passed with a majority (regardless of GOP leadership).

So the secret weapon is hoping some GOP house members vote for it? Big brain stuff there.

Yeah, the phrase that pays is “discharge petition” and you gotta get 5 Rs onboard. There are probably other hurdles but I can’t focus long enough to figure that out.

lol in this house? no chance. they could probably get 5 R senators but no way in the house

There have to be a few that are not so insane as to risk tanking the US economy and rearranging the capitalist world order. Atm they might more afraid of their own constituents or party leaders but maybe they can be bribed.

If this were The West Wing, McCarthy would run a galaxy brain play where he promises that he won’t bring the clean debt ceiling to the floor (appeasing his right flank), but [because he secretly knows that lifting the debt ceiling is best for the country] he also promises to not punish any Rs who vote for the discharge petition [and he even privately Whips for the bill]. A handful of “moderate Rs” in relatively safe seats would then step up to move the discharge petition forward and ultimately pass the bill.

This is not The West Wing


I think there’s a world where you could could get 5 Rs on board to push the debt limit to like Sept/Oct (into the budget process). They can make the argument that the deficit is a budgetary issue and that it is not right to tie to debt limit.

The easiest path back to full control of the federal government for the GOP is continued or increased economic chaos. Maybe there are a few decent ones who actually care about outcomes. Maybe there are a few who would fear that the GOP would take the blame. But I think at this point the GOP is likely to follow through here both because they are high on their own supply AND it is probably in their best strategic interests going into 2024. If inflation comes down and stonks start to go back up prior to 2024 Biden and the Dems should have a relative cakewalk in the election (possibly dependent on riggage).

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