Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

LOL, the vote was 61-38 with 11 Republicans voting yes.

In a sane world, the 38 Senators who just voted for default would be relentlessly hammered on this by their opponents (both primary and general) and be out of a job when they’re next up for reelection.

basically they have 2 months to figure out whatever the hell theyr’e gonna do

4d chess, piss off the cooperating Rs so they all stop cooperating → abolish filibuster

Someone needs to challenge him to a duel.

If both Manchin and Rounds are telling the truth, we’re headed to certain default.

Also, this is quite a quote:

“The filibuster is the only thread we have in America to keep democracy alive and well”

It’s one thing to say the filibuster is an necessary thing, or an important thing, or even the most important thing. But it’s quite another to say it’s the ONLY THING.

VORP seems like bullshit to me.


well, senate leader mitch mcconnell and dems get way less than they have so far

the rounds thing htough, mitch was saying okay you get 2 months and then you’re all on your own and R’s are like well because of democrats we’re not cooperating now…

This is certainly tanking Manchin’s VORP. I mean, even with McConnell in power, the way this would be playing out is with Mitch begging for Dem votes to try and raise the debt ceiling over the strident objections of the furthest right loonies, so the Dems could be trying to extract concessions. Of course, Manchin could just be a guy who’d give him everything he wants in that scenario.

Manchin is not going to vote against the debt ceiling when they bring it through reconciliation. He might threaten to do so and try to use it as leverage to negotiate the BBB bill smaller.

EDIT: the video clip has manchin supporting using reconciliation. Dems are just gonna have to do that.

I mean, you get 0 judges, no CFPB head, worse cabinet secretaries than we have now, nothing sub cabinet filled ever, no dem majority on the FTC, the NLRB, no American Rescue Plan, probably many other things I’m forgetting. So yes, Manchin is god awful but it’s still infinitely better having him and a D majority than maybe getting the tiniest possible concessions from Addison one time.

Really this is our fault for getting our hopes up too high when we got to 50. We knew Manchin and Sinema were garbage and that our best case was basically judges, executive branch appointments, and if we were lucky 2 big reconciliation bills. We just know it’s not anywhere near enough to meet the moment and it’s super frustrating watching these clowns fuck everything up, but it is what it is.


I am uneasy these guys don’t just use reconciliation. Obviously McConnell is acting in bad faith. Doesn’t matter, just cancel a recess, make everyone stay, then pass an increase through reconciliation. Extend it past midterms, and be done with it.

Playing chicken again is gonna be a shitshow, press is gonna both sides the shit out of it and it is factually dumb not to just pass it through reconciliation. Would definitely be true if BBB was a thing, no potential d vote gonna give a shit about the debt ceiling vote if an actual progressive bill with real benefits passed

If he’s acting on principle, then none of his votes should change on any of these issues.

Manchin sucks and is gonna water down this bill and try to kill it, but ultimately there is a deal there that results in legislation that isn’t what is should be, but that is still useful.

Sinema the real wild card at this point

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You’re missing the fact that none of these votes happen without a D majority leader. If Addison runs the Senate he never brings any of this shit to the floor in the first place.


Maybe I’m a sweet summer child, but it seems simple that this ends with a debt ceiling limit + $1.5-2T bill both passing via reconciliation in December?

You seem to be missing the fact that 2-4 years of getting nothing done in the most dysfunctional way possible is really really bad. It increases the chances of a Trump win and/or a Republican trifecta which renders all of those wonderful benefits you outlined effectively moot.

Like no one is arguing that we aren’t better off today with Manchin vs. Joe Redneck in that seat if you just want to look at today and ignore the future. The argument is that this situation further reduces the odds of anything good happening in the future and dramatically increases the chances of very bad things happening.

The government is a failure right now. It’s a lot harder to lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans when you have a trifecta yourself.


The problem is this is likely the high water mark for Democrats as they’re unwilling to confront structural issues.


Yeah, idk where you read that in my post, but sure, you beat that straw man to death, good job. We get nothing done with Addison in charge either and Biden eats the blame because he’s POTUS and then all of the same things you said happen anyway. Idk how this situation “further reduces the odds of anything good happening in the future…” vs a 51-49 R senate. Unless you’re talking about the hypothetical case where we magically have 54+ Senate seats and actually do something with them, then sure, I agree. But in reality, having 50-50 and getting a little something is effectively the same as being down 51-49 R in terms of doom and gloom scenarios; waaf either way. You’re living in a fantasy world if you think voters will be motivated enough to do anything after Addison shuts everything down in a 51-49 world, or that enough people pay enough attention that the trifecta argument really even matters.

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