Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Who is Addison?

Addison is Mitch’s actual first name. I don’t know why we’re using it.

It was annoying when people beat the VORP drum for Manchin early on in this administration. To be beating that drum right now is just absolute head-in-the-sand BS. Zero = zero, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Manchin stopping progress or some idiot WV qanoner.


The relief plan was pretty awesome, but there was no structural change and two got passed during Trump so a lot of voters won’t simply see that as electing democrats gets you good things. Most people got $1200 & $600 under Trump. Yeah the democratic bill was way better but most people don’t know the details of the bills.

They need to do more if they want to excite people.

It’s pretty much a nothing accomplishment

And what Stim said. Sorry I’m not celebrating pennies when we need hundos.

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I’m addition to what others have said, there’s also a lot of research coming out showing that poorer families have been disproportionately not receiving CTC payments due to the way that it’s distributed. Those were rosy projections of a program that is now on the chopping block.

Manchin gives us a short reprieve, but it all ends up the same. A decade or more of GOP domination. So yeah people will live a little better for 1-2 years but that will be short lived.

In two more years it’ll be like Manchin was a Republican. The benefits he provided will be gone, and Republicans will be in control of everything. After 2024 they will have a trifecta with Trump back in office

Winning future elections is all that matters at this point. (If anything matters) Dems doing nothing with a trifecta is worse than being blocked by Republicans from an optics perspective. It’s that simple.

And you are the one beating the strawman to death with the whole BUT WE ARE BETTER OFF NOW counterargument. Every here agrees on that.

Nah, you’re just wrong about the trifecta mattering in terms of future election results. Dems doing nothing with a trifecta is the same as dems doing nothing with Cocaine Mitch running the Senate. In both cases the vast majority of people just think “Biden is president, my life hasn’t gotten any better, Biden and the dems suck” and turnout is depressed, they lose future elections, and we’re fucked. The “optics” only matter to people who follow it very closely and are voting anyway.

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To be fair, I may have given the impression that I don’t agree with that, but that’s just because I’m posting while grumpy. I do agree that pennies are more than zero. The issue is that pennies are approximately equal to zero when the need is as large as the one currently facing this country, so zero = zero is a convenient shorthand for that. The fact that Manchin has allowed pennies isn’t a cause for celebration. He should still be shit on, repeatedly, forever, because he’s preventing the shit that would actually make a difference.

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So, uh… we agree then?

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It’s like you said, we’re quibbling over how close to zero pennies are, but by in large yes, yes we do.

This is a good piece by Ezra. I am a Shor superfan so a lot of it was familiar to me, but ho-lee shit at this:

Sit with that. Senate Democrats could win 51 percent of the two-party vote in the next two elections and end up with only 43 seats in the Senate.

If they cut the children in half it would solve childhood poverty.

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Yep, only got win like 56% of the vote to be even. Its lika fucking microcosm of our country right now

And you just know we’ll have 3 shitlibs that will reach across the aisle multiple times to overcome the filibuster and help the GOP agenda in the name of bipartisanship.

Meh gop doesn’t actually want to pass anything besides tax cuts which they can do in reconciliation. They can lock up power on state levels. They can deregulate with the executive.

I can’t think of anything they’d actually want to pass. Maybe something racist for red meat for the base I guess. They might pass some super pro cop shit and get 80 votes

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I think this is on the unlikely end of the spectrum, but depending on how crazy things get, you might be talking about the Defense of Marriage Act, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the military, Voter ID requirements, school vouchers. All the old hits that we might currently think are buried.

Sounds dramatic. Someone really should do something about that.

Since a lot of the Republican resistance to the Biden agenda is based on “We don’t need to be spending all this money now, the pandemic is basically over, the economy is in doing great (thanks to genius god-king Trump), we still have money left over from the previous stimulus packages, etc.”, I expect all that resistance will just fall apart in the face of this dire economic news, right? Thanks, FoxNews!


The problem with David Shor is what he advocates for is exactly what Hillary Clinton did. Means testing up the wazoo, looking at polls to determine what policies to advance, having no actual personal ideology that you fight for, trying to appeal to everyone while appealing to no one. And dialing back progressivism in the only place it has made progress, culturally and socially. In other words third way centrism at its finest. It’s the hallmark of inauthenticity which voters abhor more than anything else. He straight up couldn’t be more wrong on this point.